What have I done today?

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re: What have I done today?

Post by Michael »

Maybe one for comic relief, that would be fun. I'd give doc six greenies for that; ( that's a compliment ).
meChANical Man.
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re: What have I done today?

Post by primemignonite »

"... for about a week :D" - Ovyyus

As the Austrian Emperor is falsely reputed to have said to Salieri:

"Well . . . there 'tiz!"


Why would anyone in their right mind, reveal it here?

To purposes of worthless, ego aggrandizements?

Acceptance of a fickle mob of insolent, ignorant graspers?
(The happy exceptions know well who they are.)

Christian Charity?

I don't think so.

Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
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Post by scott »

Wow James, for hating this forum and its members so much you sure spend a lot of time here.
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re: What have I done today?

Post by ovyyus »

James wrote:Exactly!

Why would anyone in their right mind, reveal it here?
Hypothetically, if that person constantly seeks the praise and respect of those they despise then they have bigger problems than posting a mechanism drawing in search of it. IMO, such desperate emotional need should be a clue to them that something deeply personal requires careful attention.
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Post by DrWhat »

The only reason to reveal it here is to get credit for the discovery. And to get it out there. It would need to be 'cut and pasted' by members and propagated through the internet.

Although I am a strong proponent of the "publish a book" first idea, there is always a risk of some leak before the book is published. With such a great discovery a leak is certainly possible from someone at the publishers etc. The leaker may move to try and get credit or involve other agencies including government ones.

Oil companies could get involved in stopping you...

This site could be shut down as soon as the mechanism is posted (not by Scott of course!).

So many uncertainties. An old topic I'm sure.
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re: What have I done today?

Post by primemignonite »

The above two posts from ones (Scott & Ovyyus) who should know better, are holotypes of their kind.

As a warning to others who might be attracted by such dangled lures


Attendant to this warning, and speaking here generally, there is a form of human being that feeds pleasurably upon anxiety, as they create within others. Because they - such types - do this knowingly and with pleasure, their kind of behavior is borderline-wicked.

(They who derive pleasure from the dis-pleasure of others, are bad people a priori.)

Tragically, such forms of our own fellows, are in-fact 'destructive persons', and this because of giving into their sadistic compulsions, and not in the mere possessing of them.

It is best to avoid exchanges with the kind while in FEEDING MODE.

Forewarned is forearmed.

Now, back to specifics.

Apparently, what set our pair's teeth to-grinding, mainly was this:

Acceptance of a fickle mob of insolent, ignorant graspers?
(The happy exceptions know well who they are.) - James

If they had chosen to note the conditioner in parenthesis below, their own high anxiety might have been avoided, as well as the gaseous excretions that followed.

I stand by my words. As I've noted before, elsewhere, I stay and post because it is the only "going game" in town (so-far!).

It is a real shame that the cowardly, sadistic, scurrying rats are indulged and elevated by themselves. For reasons only too obvious, we others really have no other choice but to go along with their program, for-the-while, do we?

The good and kindly brown mice of us, will one day JUMP, leaving the rats to drown WHEELESS, and still without a clue as to what happened!

(And if you like, dear readers, you may fancy this 'a prediction come from a condition of knowing'.)

Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
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Post by scott »

James wrote:borderline-wicked, bad people a priori, destructive persons, sadistic compulsions, teeth-grinding, fickle mob of insolent, ignorant graspers, high anxiety, gaseous excretions, cowardly, sadistic, scurrying rats
There, I fixed it for you.
Thanks for visiting BesslerWheel.com

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re: What have I done today?

Post by ovyyus »

James, you really are in a bad mood today. You think I'm fulfilling some pleasurable sadistic compulsion rather than offering honest opinion? If that were true then I'd be writing long romantic posts about how I feel and what I currently believe in, and who I might hate.
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re: What have I done today?

Post by primemignonite »

No, Scott, you "fixed it" for your two selves, and others of your like, as-appropriate.

Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
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re: What have I done today?

Post by primemignonite »

"James, you really are in a bad mood today. . . ."

Bill, what a shameless, foolish faker you are.

You highlight the obvious after a personal, ferocious dual attack, as done by yourself and your curtain-hidden cohort in rancor.

What OTHER than in "a bad mood"?

It is saddening to me (truly) what you just did, for I thought that you and I had finally arrived at a mutual accommodation based upon respect, and that peace now reigned between us, and NOW THIS you do!

You know full-well WHAT you do, HOW you do it, if not WHY, and it is A DIRTY BUSINESS that you are master of.

Well, others are learning of this too, and forming their just opinions, as-appropriate.

After numerous tries to achieve peace with Scott (which were met only by slithery silence), I have concluded that he is beyond reach by appeals to comity.

Now, if I am wrong in this, I invite him to come forward and we will make peace, but judging by what I've observed over these three years, I believe this to be a logical act of which he is utterly incapable. I hope I'm wrong.

PROVE me so, Scott, or, is it to be a NO LOG-IN, yet again?

If after all it is SATAN himself who is the keeper of the Bessler secret, then here you two SHALL HAVE IT, but if otherwise . . . fill-in the blank!

Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
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re: What have I done today?

Post by ovyyus »

James, I seem to remember your entry into this forum a few years ago as one frothing and fighting about some ill-perceived wrong doing after a member posted links to already freely available info on the net - which you wanted to keep secret.

You seem just as paranoid and wrong now as you were then. Nothing appears changed. Surely you can at least make this current complete nonsense more interesting in some way (and I don't mean more flowery).

I still think you should get out more. You might imagine that as given for personal sadistic pleasure, or as genuinely felt. Either way my care just dropped to zero.

BTW, you seem overly concerned about the forum rep system: Do you really think it's possible that the few 'fivers' here have more say in the number of your precious green dots than all the other members put together? Do you think there's maybe a causal link between your hate of people and their judgment that you can be unlikable? Personally, I have no negative rep currently allocated to any member because I make clear distinction between someone who is simply unlikeable and someone who is intolerably destructive.
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re: What have I done today?

Post by LustInBlack »

Hey can I join the party!?

You are all being just impatient and out of ideas or motivation..
Just be patient, the wheel's coming ..
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