Sorry IR – I was asking about the PATH not the angle of attack...Irish Oracle wrote:"Weights applied force at right angles to the axis" Besler himself why ask me?
Do you have a link to some drawing of this, please? It sounds very tempting..;-)Have u ever seen the science drawing of a forth dimention cube ? check it out, if you were in the forth dimention the drawing would look like a cube does to us in the third dimention.
Yaah..I've done that! A wheel IS a seesaw where the endpoints (seen from sideways) allways follow a vertical straight path and not an ordinary seesaw arc...I asked you in what way it differ from the seesaw kind of lever.a seesaw kind of lever is always drawn in 2 dimentions but if u go to the park u can sit on it AKA three D. now put it in a Besslers wheel so its action works through 360 digrees plane.
So..I hear you say that you connect two ends of a seesaw to two separated circles, one on each end of the axleshaft...?
Or are you talking about a single stick turning 360 around the axis...?
ruggero ;-)[/quote]