"The Impossibility of Perpetual Motion Machines"

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re: "The Impossibility of Perpetual Motion Machines&

Post by raj »

Following my post here, kindly go to my thread:
An Intricate System of Strings and Weight,

For my rejoinder.

Keep learning till the end.
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Re: re: "The Impossibility of Perpetual Motion Machines

Post by eccentrically1 »

waltz wrote:
ecc1 wrote:Every experiment that fails to create energy from a force at least successfully proves the first law of thermodynamics
Or has found one more way energy can't be created.
Yes, that would be another way to say the same thing.
waltz wrote:
ecc1 wrote:The definitions are based on empirical observations, which are subjected to the scientific method. 
1LoT is philosophical assertion.
It's more than philosophy, it's proven by experiment and mechanical designs many different ways.

Actually we don't have to have thermodynamics to show PM is impossible. Newton's laws show PM is impossible.
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re: "The Impossibility of Perpetual Motion Machines&quo

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi agor95,
you wrote:
We know that changing the direction of a mass needs power.

Can we use this power, I think yes we can.
A redirection of the mass will increase the felt weight, of course that can be measured also.
Depending on the Speed of the mass you need more power.

A redirection with a Jerk is the function which will produce the biggest Forces.
Therefore 8 Impacts are heard on the down going side.
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Re: re: "The Impossibility of Perpetual Motion Machines

Post by eccentrically1 »

John Collins wrote:I was answering the seemingly simple question of where does the wheel’s energy come from? Without defining what gravity is, i.e., energy, force, acceleration, velocity etc, the wheel’s energy comes ultimately from the presence of gravity, or if you prefer, gravity enables the wheel to rotate.

That would be defining gravity as an energy source. "Presence" and "enabled" are ways of saying "source", imo.

Not just any energy source, a source that never loses any energy or mass, and would continually create it from nothing.
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re: "The Impossibility of Perpetual Motion Machines&quo

Post by Georg Künstler »

Nikola Tesla Wrote:
Ehe viele Generationen vergehen, werden unsere Maschinen durch eine Kraft angetrieben werden, die an jedem Punkt des Universums verfügbar ist. Diese Idee ist nicht neu, wir finden sie in den herrlichen Mythen des Antheus, der Energie aus der Erde ableitet, wir fin- den sie auch in den feinen Spekulationen eines Ihrer glanzvollen Mathematiker . . . Überall im Weltraum ist Energie. Ist diese Energie statisch oder kinetisch? Wenn statisch, werden unsere Hoffnungen vergeblich sein. Wenn kinetisch — und wir wissen, daß dem sicherlich so ist – dann ist es nur eine Frage der Zeit, daß die Mensch- heit ihre Energietechnik erfolgreich an das eigentliche Räderwerk der Natur angeschlossen haben wird.“
Before many Generations pass away, our Machines will be powered by a Force available at every Point in the Universe. This Idea is not new, we find it in the glorious Myths of the Antheus, which derives Energy from the Earth, we also find it in the fine Speculation of one of Your glamorous Mathematicians. There's Energy all over space. Is this Energy static or kinetic? If static, our Hopes will be in vain. If kinetic — and we know that this is certainly the case – then it is only a Matter of Time that the human being will have successfully connected its Energy Technology to the actual Wheel movement of Nature. "
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re: "The Impossibility of Perpetual Motion Machines&quo

Post by John Collins »

Thank you George, for thst Tesla quote.

Read my blog at http://johncollinsnews.blogspot.com/

This is the link to Amy’s TikTok page - over 20 million views for one video! Look up amyepohl on google

See my blog at http://www.gravitywheel.com
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re: "The Impossibility of Perpetual Motion Machines&

Post by Silvertiger »

Yes...Tesla was "Da Man." I always found it fascinating that things tend to happen in "threes." Nature loves balance, and it also loves trifectas. The Earth has enough energy to supply mankind his energy needs for as long as the Earth shall exist.

The Trifecta:

1. A natural energy field located between the surface of the Earth and the magnetosphere, supplied by Earth's own resonance, which Tesla used in his experiments to produce energetic gains as he played tetherball by swatting his signals around the globe. Each time the signal came around, he would "swat" it again using the field, causing gains so massive they could overload generators. It cycles within a range of 6 to 8 Hz, which coincidentally is the same range of oscillation as alpha waves.

2. Vibration. Also attributed to Earth's resonance due to a spinning core of iron and nickel, vibration is generated that is picked up by quartzite. There is so much quartzite in the mantle (rocks like granite, limestone, etc.) that it acts like a "pickup," like you would use for a musical instrument. The quantity of quartzite is so high that the interaction was termed the "crystalline energy grid," with nodes of major intersections where the signals are the greatest, in places such as the Bermuda Triangle and Adam's Calendar and Stonehendge, just to name a few...places which can multiply and put out signals greater than 3 GHz, enough to cause electronic devices to stop working and make compass navigation impossible, and can also contribute to strange gravitational phenomena lol. Spiritualists have always been attracted to this grid lol. Quartzite is widely used in the manufacture of piezoelectric devices, most commonly the watch, as well as audio and frequency oscillators (tuners), and also transducers (pickups) for applications such as musical instruments, medical sonography, train braking systems, etc.

3. Acoustics. Same thing as number 2. Vibration produces sound, and sound also produces vibration. Both are a cause and effect of each other. It is this technology that was used to construct, imo, monolithic sites such as Coral Castle and the Pyramids at Giza. Giza seems to occupy one of the nodal intersections of the crystalline energy grid. It's not as powerful as the Bermuda node, but who cares lol? Their technology was no different than using amplifiers and pickups and tuners for stereo systems. The only difference was the scale on which it was applied.

I like to follow the work and study of Michael Tellinger. He's a quack imo, but a smart quack. I only say so because he's a Utopian lol. However, his abilities and prowess as an archaeologist and scientific researcher are impressive.
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re: "The Impossibility of Perpetual Motion Machines&

Post by Art »

Ecc1 wrote:Actually we don't have to have thermodynamics to show PM is impossible. Newton's laws show PM is impossible.

That reminds me of my fathers rationalisation whenever he felt he was forced into 'Breaking a Law' that he felt shouldn't apply .

I believe he got it during his Navy service during the 2nd World War when so many conscripts started to question where the various 'Laws ' came from and why.

I've found it an outlook that can be very useful in practical application sometimes.

It goes along the lines of :-

" Laws cannot be broken , - but they can be badly bent ! "
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re: "The Impossibility of Perpetual Motion Machines&quo

Post by ovaron »

How is it possible that the big bang theory is recognized, but at the same time it is asserted that energy can not arise out of nothing? For me a sign of schizophrenia.
The entire universe should have arisen out of nowhere, but a bit of energy should not come from nowhere?
Either the big bang theory is total nonsense or a real perpetual motion is possible.
By the way, the smart schoolmasters in all the videos, who explain why there is no perpetuum mobile possible, annoy me tremendously.
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re: "The Impossibility of Perpetual Motion Machines&

Post by WaltzCee »

'Every failure successfully proves 1LoT' doesn't
equate to 'one more way it won't work'.

I do agree 1LoT is more than a philosophy. It's a
negative and the tactic of shifting the burden of proof.
Newton's laws show PM is impossible.
Is 'creating energy from a force' the same as PM?

The big bang is losing consensus.
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re: "The Impossibility of Perpetual Motion Machines&quo

Post by ovyyus »

WaltzCee wrote:The big bang is losing consensus.
Losing consensus to what?
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re: "The Impossibility of Perpetual Motion Machines&quo

Post by thx4 »

Gravity is already a perpetual force, the only demonstration we can make is to exploit this force. There are still some enthusiasts here, which is good.
Not everything I present is functional, but a surprise can't be completely ruled out. Thank you very much.
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Re: re: "The Impossibility of Perpetual Motion Machines

Post by eccentrically1 »

WaltzCee wrote:'Every failure successfully proves 1LoT' doesn't
equate to 'one more way it won't work'.

I do agree 1LoT is more than a philosophy. It's a
negative and the tactic of shifting the burden of proof.
Newton's laws show PM is impossible.
Is 'creating energy from a force' the same as PM?

The big bang is losing consensus.
They are equivalent statements to me.
The burden of proof is always on the one that makes the claim. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". There isn't any evidence extraordinary or otherwise for PM.
Creating energy from force (nothing) is the same as PM.
Newton's equations were derived from treating bodies as mathematical points with no rotation. That enabled him to ignore frictions, temperature, etc. They leave only the basic info needed so they apply to the largest sample of experiments.

The 1st law of thermodynamics accounts for a system's work input and output on its surroundings, so it includes frictions. The friction work is entropic; no longer available for input.

That's my understanding of it.
Sam Peppiatt
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re: "The Impossibility of Perpetual Motion Machines&

Post by Sam Peppiatt »


1. That would be areal good argument if Bessler hadn't done it.

2. The impossibility of perpetual motion is just an assumption.

3. The 1st law is a bull shit law got up; as you said, to relive scientist
of the burden of finding a way to do it.

4. Also, you can't admit that you are too stupid to figure out how
it was done, (so therefor it must be impossible).

5. Why are you on this web site anyway? Sam Peppiatt
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re: "The Impossibility of Perpetual Motion Machines&

Post by ovyyus »

1. No one knows what Bessler did.

2. Nothing is impossible.

3. You don't understand the subject.

4. Admitting stupidity is redundant.

5. To discover Bessler's secret.
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