Blood From Stone

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Post by MrVibrating »

silent wrote:This is exciting because it sounds like the potential for some real power to come from it. I still can't envision how I would build this, but since the cat is halfway out of the bag, then it's just a matter of trying to replicate it. If this was Bessler's design, you're both friggin' geniouses.

Still dotting the t's and crossing the i's on the presentation (keep misstating MoI's units as kg-m²-rad/s - that's momentum, should be just kg-m²).. plus i can no longer type the word "moment" without having to go back and delete the extra "um" off the end..

..but the broad picture seems pretty much unequivocal.. OU, signed, sealed & delivered... 8)

Just a final push now to get an internal PE management system working consistently with Hooke's law - been thinking of trying to simulate a fusee or other CVT but hopefully there'll be an easier way..

Power density's obviously related to the optimal MoI difference we're able to switch between - i think a factor of two may be the limit but haven't tested that rigorously - and the peak KE at the instant of transition; so, speed & weight in terms of a GPE-based application, but we're not limited to gravity - whatever the rotKE at the moment of MoI switch-down - whatever its provenance - it's instantly doubled! Energy density's obvioushly infinite, at least until we inadvertently cause a 'big rip' in the vacuum and everything spontaneously regauges, destroying the universe as we know it, but aside from that it does appear to be entirely free and without consequence.

It's fully mobile (again, with no particular dependence upon gravity), quiet (no collisions seem necessary), fully scalable and adaptable to any environment.

Given that we can always trade velocity for absolute radius (ie. smaller, faster units instead of bigger, heavier ones), power density's all but arbitrary, limited only by material strengths.

So, self-warming cocoa mugs / kitten blankets, flying vets and all that Nobel-friendly stuff are now totally feasible.. (ahem).. i can't imagine it'd be any good for orbiting death-ray platforms, heavy KE weapons / small arms, fighter-aircraft/submersibles, flying aircraft carriers, or raining heavy mining plant onto every small body in the system using giant ion-engined spaceships with point-defense lasers..

..likewise, it'll doubtless be a liberating force for freedom and equality, with zero chance of crashing pensions funds or central banks resulting in all-out war and cannibal holocaust.

Hopefully we can suss out how to build one over the w/e..
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Post by MrVibrating »

..keep forgetting last night's results from the 90° drop - just under 800% OU...

..not 200%..

..sorry, just as well to set these things straight eh..

7.909x OU. That's the current benchmark.
Georg Künstler
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re: Blood From Stone

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi MrVibrating,

the OU which you have found is only the beginning.
Your limit is the strength of material.

You can design it in this way, that if you turn on a light switch, the device will react and produce more OU, only to increase the speed.
OU on command.

The next step will be to change it from your mechanical design to an electronic one.
The result is like an apple watch which will produce 50 KW.

Every one can carry the energy which he will need with him itselfs.

It is not a vision, it will become true soon.
Best regards

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Post by silent »

Last edited by silent on Mon Oct 04, 2021 5:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MrVibrating »

LOL, one big fear is that OPEC - but energy stocks generally - are out to maximise their profits over the longer term; or at least, as far ahead as can be reckoned with.. something like this could see prices skyrocket as current markets prepare for the inevitable..

..this in turn could accelerate the mass deployment, but the 'no free lunch / actions without consequences' dictum would suggest serious scrutiny ought to be brought to bear before the genie's outa the bottle..

One hope is that the current energy giants will thus be motivated to try and prove this is a doomsday device - in much the same vein as Edison railing against the perils of AC.. Hopefully it's harmless, but 'do no harm' is priority #1..

As little disruption as possible, anyway..

Really, i know i should be bringing this to the attention of the MoD and energy secretary ASAP, but can you imagine the police report? "A disheveled gentleman showed up at Derby Gate SW1, claiming to have a plan for a free-energy utopia, and requesting an audience with MP's. He was duly stripped and held in cells whilst counter-terror operatives raided his address" etc. etc.

For now, i don't see that there's anything else to do but continue alone the inexorable path that brought us here..
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re: Blood From Stone

Post by MrVibrating »

So here's that leading gain config again, this time without its radial translation:


Net torque * angle is zero - no net work done (equal positive and negative halves of the integral).

Yet the KE gain still exists so long as the MoI is halved! So it needn't mean it couldn't be harnessed whilst it's there..

But here it is again with the radial translation:


That's a max-frequency run, with 100 integration steps per frame, so let's take the integrals:

Motor Torque & Angle = -4.52252885 J

Net Radial Force * Displacement = -0.01181231 J

So net input energy was a net output of 4.53434116 J

Final KE was 27.61306153 J, plus the 4.53434116 J, gives us 32.14740269 J total output energy.

The system began with 4 J, so 32.14740269 / 4 = 8.0368506725..

..8x OU, in 360°, and just over 2 seconds.

So what i'll try next is to re-open the MoI; either at TDC, or perhaps on the final 90° up to TDC..

This will have no effect on GPE - it's equal G*M*H up as down - so it should just harness rotKE into CF PE.

How much will it harness? Well, it'll re-double the MoI, so, 50% of the KE gain should get converted into 'sprung PE', leaving the other half remaining as rotKE..

..if that works, then we're ready for closed-loop cycling..
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Post by silent »

Last edited by silent on Mon Oct 04, 2021 5:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Blood From Stone

Post by Fletcher »

Mr V .. I suggest you run a third check comparison simulation scenario. The non radial shift v 2.

In this one when it gets to 3 o'cl let it remain as a point mass (non forced rotation) until 12 o'cl. And check against the other two versions for residual KE's etc. What trends are there here ?

I was watching the rpms of both comparison sims, the non radial shift and then the radial shift activated. I noted the rpms at 9 o'cl, 6 o'cl, and 9 o'cl. And visually compared them. When they are unlocked they act like point masses. When locked they are forced to rotate as well as follow the curved path. This we can all see.

It seems that when unlocked (to act like a point mass) the rpm instantly doubles, and when locked again the rpm instantly halves.

Should that phase transition be effectively instant ? Perhaps the motor is distorting things ?
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Post by FunWithGravity2 »

silent wrote:Whatever you do, don't take it to the government because we all know what will happen. At the very least, just use it yourself and enjoy the free power. That's what intend to do with whatever technology becomes revealed first. No interest in making money. Just reaping the personal benefits for myself by the cheap recharging of my tractor batteries.

You can buy a solar panel for that, saved you alot of trouble.

Si mobile in circumferentia circuli feratur ea celeritate, quam acquirit cadendo ex
altitudine, quae sit quartae parti diameter aequalis ; habebit vim centrifugam suae
gravitati aequalem.
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Post by silent »

Last edited by silent on Mon Oct 04, 2021 5:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MrVibrating »

I might've just solved a conundrum that's been bothering me:

• A rotary spring's either loaded or unloaded; coiled or uncoiled, right? It cannot be loading and unloading at the same time!

• So the motor integral cannot be negative! Surely?

• Again, there's nothing wrong with the meter - it's torque on one axis, angle on the other.. can't go wrong there..

So here's what i suspect may be the solution:

• When the KE gain exists, we're peering into a 'divergent' reference frame! Ie. motion, speed & thus KE are relative to a given inertial frame; the motor's FoR is the central rotor, which is being reactionlessly-accelerated, so we get OU KE...

..but also, PE integrals are likewise 'transposed' or inverted - the input torque * angle is probably that same 4.5 J, only we're seeing it represented in the negative sign!

So we're still comfortably OU, but it's probably more like 4.5 J in, for the 27 J back out..

When we finally get around to using onboard PE stores rather than a motor, things'll presumably get clearer. Meantime, just keep in mind that we may be dealing with a reference-frame anomaly..

..again, i'm still hazy on this aspect, since the gain depends upon net momentum remaining constant - rather than the system gaining momentum (whether on-the-cheap or free), we're only gaining velocity - albeit, without applying conventional torque or thus counter-torque / counter-momentum..

..presumably, going by the result we got when using an external stator wheel, the only way energy would be conserved in this situation is if the orbiting axes are torqued against a stator. But torquing them against the central rotor causes the orbital MoI to instantly halve, it's an instantaneous reactionless acceleration (this is the other seemingly-incredible aspect!) and so suddenly, just as surely as MoI has halved, so that new doubled speed now exists.. and thus so does its associated KE value.

So we're getting the net results of an effective N3 break, without one!

So does that mean we actually have one then, or what? Enough to make yer head spin innit.. :/
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Re: re: Blood From Stone

Post by MrVibrating »

Fletcher wrote:Mr V .. I suggest you run a third check comparison simulation scenario. The non radial shift v 2.

In this one when it gets to 3 o'cl let it remain as a point mass (non forced rotation) until 12 o'cl. And check against the other two versions for residual KE's etc. What trends are there here ?

I was watching the rpms of both comparison sims, the non radial shift and then the radial shift activated. I noted the rpms at 9 o'cl, 6 o'cl, and 9 o'cl. And visually compared them. When they are unlocked they act like point masses. When locked they are forced to rotate as well as follow the curved path. This we can all see.

It seems that when unlocked (to act like a point mass) the rpm instantly doubles, and when locked again the rpm instantly halves.

Should that phase transition be effectively instant ? Perhaps the motor is distorting things ?
Have you read the diagram on page 31? All this is covered! Here's the points you're missing:

• You have it back-to-front; when the orbiting rotors are locked - oriented radially with one mass 'out', the other nestled in the center, orbital MoI is simply a function of those two outer masses. The two inner ones are effectively eliminated from the equation, since they're left free to rotate about their own axes, and at dead-center have an orbital radius - and thus orbital MoI contribution - of zero. This renders an effective violation of mass constancy, as you'll see..

MoI=mr² so calculate 2 * ½ kg * 4 m radius squared. That's our base MoI.

When the masses are drawn into their axial centers however, relative to the orbital plane we now have twice as much mass, at half the radius.

So now we calculate 4 * ½ kg * 2 m², and that's our second MoI - if you got them sums right, you're now looking at a lower value.

However there's another key issue you're missing - we do not need the radial translation to perform this MoI switchover!

It happens automatically the moment conventional torque's applied to the orbiting axes!

So it is the net orbiting apparatus - both ½ kg masses on each rotor, and the rotor masses themselves - that converge to become effective point masses at the motor axes, the instant torque's applied to them!

So look closely at the sims again, from p.31 onwards - note the MoI switchdown occurs the instant the motors activate, and then switches back up the instant they lock again!

Furthermore, whilst the orbiting rotors are being torqued against the central rotor, the actual mass radii can be changed to anything - anything whatsoever - and the orbital MoI will not budge from that lower value!

The actual mass locations could be out beyond the orbit of Neptune - it's utterly irrelevant to the orbital MoI, which is always just two half-kilogram lumps and a carbon-fiber disc, at 2 meters radius, so long as they're counter-rotating relative to the central rotor (even tho they're not rotating at all in reality).

So, whilst torquing the rotors and so pegging the MoI at '8', we can physically retract the masses into their axial centers, and so apply a static MoI of '8' as a function of the actual mass radii!

Bashically, we're riding the coattails of a dynamic MoI change - caused by torquing the orbiting axes against the central axis, which furthermore ceases their real rotation, allowing us to change the static MoI without having to perform any work against axial CF force.

We still have to perform work against orbital CF force, but it's performing equal opposite CF work back out at us, hence a zero sum cycle.

That took 30 mins to type out again so if i'm asked to repeat myself much more i'm just gonna have to start referring back to past posts.. It all starts p.31. Study the MoI diagram, check those MoI plots, and there you can see where the KE gain's coming from.

In this one when it gets to 3 o'cl let it remain as a point mass (non forced rotation) until 12 o'cl. And check against the other two versions for residual KE's etc. What trends are there here ?
Happy to try anything but if you'd only read the brief you'd already realise that with only one orbiting rotor mounted, the MoI is locked to a value of '4' so long as it's rotating relative to the central one, so instead of the gain condition ceasing at the 3' o' clock mark, we'll still be OU upon return to TDC. Here it is anyway:


@ 32765 frames by 2.02 secs = 16235.148514851485148514851485149 Hz w/ 100 integration steps / frame:

Motor Torque * Angle = 6.233336 J

So, during this period we could change the static MoI - as an actual function of the masses' 'locked' orbital radii - to absolutely anything whatsoever, from a value of '4' up to infinity kg-m².. but so long as the relative rotation persists (notwithstanding that their true rotation obviously ceases), the orbital MoI is stuck at a rock-steady value of '4'.

Whatever the actual mass radius when the axial rotation locks, determines whatever the new MoI - and thus rot KE - the system lands on.

So in that run we began with 4 J, then spent another 6 J, making a total of 27 J. :|

None of this is news or progress, mate.. Sorry if things are moving fast but it's only a page or two of catch-up so far, the MoI diagram on p. 31 is the biggest head-start i can offer..
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Post by MrVibrating »

Suppose we alter things such that both masses still converge at their axial center, as before, but adding a scissorjack-type linear leverage, such that whilst the inner (blue) mass only translates in and out by the 2 m radius, the outer (red) mass might extend 2x or 4x further out...

..Thus whilst we cannot reduce the minimum MoI possible, we can always increase that of the upper value, to an arbitrary maximum..

Initially when considering whether a factor-of-two switchover was optimal, i was only thinking symmetrically about the axial center.. but maybe 4:1 or greater transitions are feasible?

Suffice to say, at a 4:1 switchdown we'd be looking at cubing our KE..

At 8:1... omg... How big an MoI change might we be able to leverage this way?
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re: Blood From Stone

Post by Fletcher »

Let's just look at sim animations in your posts for now. Just to recap. You made some pendulums. They have a motor component. Gravity is ON.

In your first sim, with no radial translation (I'll call it v1), you start the sim with a push (at 9.5 rpm) and it has 4 J's of KE (shows on the meter). The effective pivot (at the motor) is locked till 9 o'cl, then unlocked till 3 o'cl, and locked again. It makes it back to tdc and restores GPE. It has 4 J's of KE again on the Output meter and the starting 9.5 rpm is restored. Zero Sum Game.

In your second sim, with radial translation (by motor), it starts with 4 J's on the meter and 9.5 rpm, and ends with GPE restored and KE of 27.6 J's and 35.5 rpm. There the effective pivot at the motor position follows the above same sequence of locking and unlocking equivalent.

In your third sim, with no radial translation (I'll call it v2), it starts with 4 J's on the meter and 9.5 rpm, and ends with GPE restored and KE of 27.6 J's and 35.5 rpm. Same result as the one above, but there was no radial translation.

N.B. On your v2 the effective pivot is locked till 9 o'cl, then unlocked equivalent until 12 o'cl is reached again.

So you could take the motor out and just have a pin joint that was locked and unlocked for a comparison model. I doubt you would expect it to arrive again at 12 o'cl with 35.5 rpm and 27.6 J's of KE ? Not in your wildest dreams.

So .. the difference in sim Output performance at 12 o'cl for v2 compared to an actual locking and unlocking pivot joint (replacing motor) must be due to the motor input !

Does that reasoning make any sense to you or maybe sound some warning bells ?
Last edited by Fletcher on Sun Jan 27, 2019 6:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MrVibrating »

Hmm, in principle, instead of:

½ kg @ 4 m radius = MoI of '8'

1 kg @ 2 M radius = MoI of '4'

We could have:

½ kg @ 16 m radius = MoI of '128'


1 kg @ 2 M radius = MoI of '4'

128 / 4 = 32x OU the instant axial torque's applied..

That's using the original config.

In terms of the current 90° drop / 8x OU config (4x more efficient), then assuming that factor is maintained :

4 * 32 = 128x OU from dropping 90° then firing the motor. The input energy cost would seem unaffected - only the gain increases.

Remember, MoI = mass * radius squared, so raising radius over mass is the key to really unleashing the potential..
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