Blood From Stone

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Georg Künstler
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re: Blood From Stone

Post by Georg Künstler »

ovyyus wrote:
and the reasons why all these things grow
and multiply...
because all of them are using the positive feedback loop.
There are lots of examples in Nature.
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re: Blood From Stone

Post by WaltzCee »

There are lots of examples in Nature.
yet, alas, no man made examples in reality. Only heaping hot steaming piles of endless recursive drivel.

Well, the clock is ticking. FedEx is telling me my flux-capacitators are some where in the
south China Sea.
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re: Blood From Stone

Post by WaltzCee »

I have figured it out, Fletcher.
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re: Blood From Stone

Post by Tarsier79 »

Well, the clock is ticking. FedEx is telling me my flux-capacitators are some where in the south China Sea.
Ha ha. They must be on the same ship as mine...
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re: Blood From Stone

Post by WaltzCee »

Bessler was very clever, Tarsier79. I don't know how he managed to rip the space-time
continuum of the matrix mechanically. It is a piece of cake electronically. Precise tuning
of the synchronizer circuitry feeding the poly-phased resonator is impossible to do
mechanically as far as I can see.

I'm inventing the math right now for a possible work around.

You know how that often works out.
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re: Blood From Stone

Post by WaltzCee »

I just got off the phone with a professor friend of mine from from an Ivy league university.
I'd mention more details, yet if she gets doxed, she fears the deep state will pass on her
information to the greys, then she'll be abducted.

I've resolved the equations for the math I've invented 2 different ways coming to the same
result. I couldn't believe my eyes. I asked her if she would give it a go using a third
method. She's on board. I'm waiting on her call.
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re: Blood From Stone

Post by WaltzCee »

While I'm waiting for my teacher friend to call back and Fletcher to start a thread I
wanted to develop this thought.
I have figured it out, Fletcher
I figured out how to evaluate what Bessler did and said. It's a well understood idea his wheel was simple. So simple
  • Georg's carpenter boy could build it &
    Having bought it a customer might feel they were being cheated
Finding an answer to this problem is amazing. But Bessler wasn't satisfied with that.
He began to fill his resume with pure balderdash.
I'll repost Fletcher's link. ... 629#181629
and in that stream of hogwash, Bessler tells a whopper.
For (I swear to GOD) that in this undertaking
I have made use neither of the writings of the ancients, nor of
the help of any other person, but have discovered (page 148)
these things solely by assiduous observation and through
scrutiny of the elements.
  • Bessler created the framework to hang his understandings &
    then discovered many mighty ideas all by himself
God Himself didn't assist Bessler.
Much less the ancients.
  • Neither the ancients nor The Ancient of Days
Where Bessler really stepped in it is where he implied, don't believe me? Ask God.
That was Bessler's gigantic mistake.

For the most part one can dismiss all Bessler's claims except
  • He figured out perpetual motion &
    it's simple
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re: Blood From Stone

Post by WaltzCee »

I would advise everyone
  • give credit where credit is due
It is possible different people come to the same conclusions independently. In my case
that happens a lot. I really don't pay too good of attention. That's compounded by the fact
I'm not too smart. Having confessed to that, never loose sight of the fact
  • I'm brilliantly handsome
You ugly ones need to keep that in mind. I'm presently negotiating an apology from the universe on your behalf.

Part of the negotiations involve a restructuring of time and space.
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re: Blood From Stone

Post by WaltzCee »

Aside from writing God out of the equation, Bessler blundered with the use of this tactic
Bessler was using his wheel as a calling card to sell the idea he understood any
number of fantastical ideas.
He put the cart in front of horse. He knew the wheel was of some value, yet without
evidence he wanted to use it as an entry into fame and glory.

That was an unforced error on his part. He did understand another great mystery. He
decided to shelve that idea. What idea? Not saying. Yet that idea would have been an
amazing calling card.

God knows I want to understand that calling card. If I ever do figure it out, you can know I
cheated. God gave me the answer.


up, phone's ringing
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re: Blood From Stone

Post by WaltzCee »

I've got real good news, for some not so good. The not so good news first. I haven't
actually started negotiations to get you healed of your ugliness. I began to think if you
were made ugly wasn't the universe aware of that as it was happening? Maybe there was
a reason or purpose behind it.

It came to me!

If not for you, it would not be obvious how handsome I am. You ugly people serve a
purpose. So just grow where the universe has planted you.
  • In summary, you are ugly and the universe ain't apologizing. Get used to it.
    You guys know who you are.
I need to think about how to put the good news. It's really good news and I don't want
to mess it up.
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Advocate of God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and redeemer of my soul.
Walter Clarkson
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re: Blood From Stone

Post by WaltzCee »

A negotiating process begins with the pieces. If the pieces don't match up one will end up
at the table looking like a total Georg or PeterAX. You will be out-negotiated. Might as
well give up before you start.

I've managed some good news for ugly people every where. I'm gonna give it too you
faster than a bowl of bat soup out of the wet market into the wuhaun virological laboratory.
Up in a flash, you might say. Mask up! Wear 2 of them!!
  • Rock the duce!!!
Little shout out to a great American. God bless you Danny boy.

My babe of a teacher friend and I go back a long way. When the other girls invited me to
their tea parties with most of the guests being Barbie dolls, she was by herself with a
white board. Yeah, I said it. White board. She was and is the Barbie doll. With

It was delightful to watch her extract square roots. The really good news is when she
checked the mathematical hypothesis I invented, she comes to the same result my 2
previous different ways ended up at.

If all means lead to the same result, that points to a real answer. We are so close people.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the future is here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Advocate of God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and redeemer of my soul.
Walter Clarkson
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re: Blood From Stone

Post by WaltzCee »

Fletcher wrote:Yeah .. but we each keep trying to break the Law-of-Levers and conservative gravity anyway we can. With ever more ingenious devices, that are evermore efficient. Nothing is more efficient than a frictionless sim so it's a great headstart.

We won't stop trying until there are no ideas left to try I guess. Me included !
Hello Fletcher,
I agree SIMs are fantastic tools to negotiate an idea with reality. So much faster than
building and fantastic to modify quickly. However a SIM is going to object to the idea
there is more energy going down than going up.

The mathematics constrains the 2 paths to an equality. How can that objection be
answered? Maybe a prime mover used to hasten the movement of a mass giving it more
power? Maybe using this extra energy to lift a mass somewhere at the top and bottom?

Both are possibilities yet both require a prime mover to give that energy.

Now if someone's premise is:
  • There exists some path such that there is more energy down then up.
good luck in that search. If the premise is true then there should also exist some
reasonable explanation answering the question "how?".

When I first looked at the idea of a fundamental difference I saw an attempt to add more
degrees than 360 to a circle, figiting with time, and hence power. I found that to be novel
and a possibility. I encouraged that.

Reality is very stubborn. SIMs reflect that hardheadedness by design. Rather than attempt
to find some fault in the mathematics it makes more sense to form a design premise that
answers the objection. People are certainly free to approach the matter any way they

Then RH based his idea on a Da Vinci design. He thinks he's going to out Da Vinci
Leonardo? All the luck in the world with that course!
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Advocate of God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and redeemer of my soul.
Walter Clarkson
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re: Blood From Stone

Post by Fletcher »

Uh huh .. In some ways I'm a simple person. Or I fool myself into trying to be. It takes a lot of effort.

And so I parse the problem into this ,,, and possible workarounds to the roadblocks.

1. Gravity is conservative e.g. an object of mass in say pendulum form, which is free to fall under 'g' acceleration from a known height, cannot and will not gain more GPE (mgh) than it started with. At any vertical height loss the GPE (mgh) lost will exactly equal the KE (m1/2v^2) gained [not including dissipative energy losses due frictions etc].

*To have KE exceed (>) GPE loss there must be an energy intervention and addition of force to the pendulum bob.

2. Law of Levers => f1 x d2 = f2 x d1. The mathematical assumption is that any horizontal movement about a fulcrum creates a torque. However the resultant torque translated to KE does not contravene condition 1. at any comparable vertical height i.e. GPE lost = KE gained.

**To have f1 x d2 > f2 x d1 there must be an energy intervention and addition of force to the leverage factors.

Bessler in MT seems to suggest that many and varied OB designs could be runners with the addition of various structures and apparatus. Two glaring examples being MT's 44 and 48 which are not traditional lever-weight designs by a far stretch. Clearly for them to be runners the delivery mechanics must be spead up to match ball egress and entry rates.

***There must be an energy intervention and addition of force to the leverage factors to add speed or torque.

>>> This suggests that a Prime Mover is required in each instance, to intervene and add force and energy into the system. The basics of the Prime Mover modus operadi should be a common theme engineered and adaptive for each OB situation examined. And it should create its force and energy input from the immediate wheel environment so as to appear as an internal structure or apparatus. If it can harvest ambient energy and create a useful force to act as a Prime Mover and still meet the definition of true mechanical Perpetual Motion Principle then that could suggest diurnal temp or pressure changes, or a harvested theromdynamic effect i.e. aerodynamic principles (Bernoulli) to create a temporary cold sink (relative to the wheel internal environment without its effect). And this is leveraged to provide speed or torque.

>>> What other mechanical workaround theories might be invoked in the absence of the standalone and common Prime Mover structure or apparatus as above, as an alternative approach to sustained imbalance of most wheels ?

**** The concept of cancelling (mitigating) torques by offsetting directional torque against another of an opposite direction to greatly null them (mathematical approach).

***** then have a Prime Mover of another sort entirely. Whose job is to take the internal movement of lws etc and use that previously wasted energy of their movement into position and convert into forward momentum of the wheel in its entirety. A high efficiency factor is sort to minimize energy otherwise wasted to the void. One iteration might be an 'escape ramp' analogy whereby the roller-lws deploy against the ramp forcing the wheel to gain forward momentum. IOW's the energy of lw transition to another position is not wasted but creates additional forward torque perceived as a system energy gain (the mathematical deduction).
Georg Künstler
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re: Blood From Stone

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi Fletcher,
you are only looking at the pendulum in the normal energy form.
You change the potential energy in kinetic energy, which of course is correct.

Things which you doesn't be seen is that the force on the rope is changing.

The force on the rope can variate from 0 to f=a*m or in our case f=g*m

Depending on the mass, the force on the rope is changing during the pendulum is swinging.

To increase the swinging of the pendulum there are several ways.
The correct way, and that I think Bessler did, he changed the suspension point during the swinging of the pendulum.

The function is a pull on the rope when the Pendulum is out of the vertical position.
This function can be made easily when we pull and release the rope periodically.
Any periodical force, disruptive force, pumping.

Every periodic force that is used at the right time, no matter how small, leads to an increasing amplitude

To build up this function we need two weights which are acting in an 180 degree offset.
This is the function Bessler has described, the weights acting in pairs, one is arranging the other.
Best regards

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re: Blood From Stone

Post by daanopperman »

Hi all ,

What would happen if you stick a spring under a floating pendulum bob that could not support the weight of the bob in the vertical . If the bob reaches it's max hight , it's weight in the vertical is a component of it's mass , and the spring would then be able to lift the bob to a higher position on the pendulum , this will cause the pendulum to increase it's velocity for a higher swing of the bob . It would literally be like someone is pumping a swing .
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