demographics July 2008 and assorted trivia

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Location: Denver, CO. USA (visitors welcome) demographics July 2008 and assorted trivia

Post by JuddBrooks »

Trivia for all on a hot summer day.

Most will remember that Scott has a great World Map that shows the locations of Bessler members at ...

Here is some detail extracted from memberlist for graphs / statistics.

650 registered members but only about 255 identify their state or country using the location field of their profile.

About 133 identify one of 41 countries (entities, islands, etc).

About 122 identify a state within the USA.

You will notice an individual in places with names like Lativia, Mauiritus, Irag, Dagaithi, Curacao, Uruguay etc, etc.

Only around 16 identified in Germany where Bessler story starts. (seems sad).

Of course this is only about 1/3 of the registered members and does not include any of the visitors which is sizeable.

I will attempt to upload a country graph and usa graph as follow

Hope folks find this thread of interest.
Members by State in USA graph July 2008
Members by State in USA graph July 2008
Members by Country Graph
<br />July 2008
Members by Country Graph
July 2008
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Post by scott »

Thanks for this interesting data Judd. I fixed the images you uploaded.

Note: the map at ... shows the locations of all visitors to the site, not just forum members. Plus it is refreshed automatically each year so it is data just for 2008.
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Post by DrWhat »

Madagascar doesn't seem to be very interested!
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Post by trevie »

I dont think the clustrmaps are that accurate, I went to kos in greece, logged on and went to no dot has appeared?
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Post by scott »

I don't know why you say that, Trevie. I see a dot in Greece quite near Kos.

Besides, from the FAQs:
I know of certain site visitors who are not showing up as dots: why?

There are several possible reasons for this: (i) you have not allowed sufficient time for the 'next update' to be displayed on your map (see explanations); (ii) the IP address of the site you think is not appearing may be owned by a company registered in a different location; (iii) your 'certainty' about the specific visits may reflect statistics from another counter or site log that tracks different pages, i.e. pages on your site where your thumbnail map has not been deployed (we can only count visits to the pages where your thumbnail map appears), as described in the next paragraph; (iv) the IP is not recognized by the IP -> geo-location translator or it might be mapped wrongly. A typical case when the location is not recognized correctly are dial-up connections; the ISP registers set of IPs for a whole country (and possibly allocates them dynamically to connections), moreover the ISP itself can be a company based in a different country. However for most IPs the translation works extremely reliably. We also update our IP -> geo-location database every few months to ensure its accuracy.
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re: demographics July 2008 and assorted tri

Post by rlortie »

I think it would be interesting to know the % of members who have registered and never posted or at least less than twice.

This forum appears to be a good place to fish, but remember you don't want to make noise and scare them! Does this reflect on the polls?

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re: demographics July 2008 and assorted tri

Post by JuddBrooks »

To Ralph and Group

Of the 250 who did identify their country at least 100 have never posted.

Here is the graph (I hope).
Post counts of members who have identified country. July 2008
Post counts of members who have identified country. July 2008
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re: demographics July 2008 and assorted tri

Post by ovyyus »

Ralph, forum polls are probably a good indicator of the total member/active member ratio - about 13:1
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re: demographics July 2008 and assorted tri

Post by JuddBrooks »

Ralph and group,

Over 650 registered members over 300 have never posted.

Graph attached
members # of posts ranges - July 2008
members # of posts ranges - July 2008
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re: demographics July 2008 and assorted tri

Post by rlortie »

With almost half of the members never participating, one can see why I have always been adamant against pooling or sharing constructive knowledge.

650 members shows a great accomplishment for our moderator Scott and I recognize him for this. On the other hand I believe in quality over quantity.

Although it would lead to a great reduction in numbers, I would vote for a change in the bi-laws to ban any non-participant that does not contribute a given number of posts in a set time period.

To many fisherman and not enough fish!

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Post by DrWhat »

Excellent idea Ralph. I agree wholeheartedly.

(Or you could make community buzz ruled by that law).

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re: demographics July 2008 and assorted tri

Post by Mak#1 »

Ralph : Not everyone has the gift of gab that you have, besides I thought this was a free and open forum, I think it is more political than a search for pure scientific truth( its not who you know, but who you blow). What are you going to do put a gun to peoples head and force them to speak up?My last post and my last visit!!!
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re: demographics July 2008 and assorted tri

Post by rlortie »


It does not take a gift of gab to participate in offering ones innovative ideas and to "brain storm" with those of others.

Yes it is an open forum but not in the true sense "free", not if your going to participate. When over half the members sit on their ideals and wait for an active researcher to give them the answer then yes it is political.

Why should I and other active members spend years of research and then openly give it to parties that have only sit on the bank and never dipped a baited hook.

The gun is not to force them to speak up, it is to preserve what I and others have diligently learned and are willing to share with those who have contributed.

Your statement "It is not who you know, but who you blow" expresses an attitude of disrespect for those that participate making this forum what it is.

Political! you darn right it is. over 50 % bureaucrats sitting on their ass lurking and waiting for the working class to hand them an answer, or as you call it "search for pure scientific truth". Problem is they are not assisting or searching for it. They remind me of "Welfare couch potatos waiting for next months hand out. They only vote for those promising to provide more free benefits by digging into the working class pockets deeper.

Sorry to see you go, but if you feel that "search for" means to lurk while others do the dirty work, then do not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!

I agree with DrWhat, give the free loaders access to General discussion but require surnames and a show of effort to join Community Buzz, Albums and groups.

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re: demographics July 2008 and assorted tri

Post by ovyyus »

Ralph wrote:Sorry to see you go, but if you feel that "search for" means to lurk while others do the dirty work, then do not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!
Ralph, why would you be happy to see a contributing member leave??? Doesn't make any sense at all.

IMO, imposing participation rules will result in a very small group indeed. Isn't the purpose of an open forum to provide the freedom for people to interact as they wish and to freely share/gain access to information? If someone wants to impose restrictions on that freedom then I think they are missing the point.

If a person is uncomfortable sharing their ideas in the General or Community Buzz forums then Scott has provided the option of setting them up with a private forum where they will have full control over who may or may not participate and any other rules they wish to impose.

If someone feels so paranoid about sharing ideas on a public forum, including with those who might never have anything to contribute in return, then there is always the option of simply restricting themselves to their various limited group commitments and activities. Personally, I'd rather swim in an ocean of sharks than be restricted to a puddle of seamonkeys :D

If my own meagre 'dirty work' might somehow help to bait a million hooks then maybe someone's line, and I really don't care who that person is or what they have or haven't contributed, will hopefully land just one stinking Besslerfish.
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re: demographics July 2008 and assorted tri

Post by rlortie »

IMO, imposing participation rules will result in a very small group indeed. Isn't the purpose of an open forum to provide the freedom for people to interact as they wish and to freely share/gain access to information? If someone wants to impose restrictions on that freedom then I think they are missing the point.
Yeah I got a little carried away there didn't I? It is not the sharing of ideas that causes my concern. You are correct. Even those who have never posted may some day have an inovation prompted by what they are allowed access to here.

Where my main concern lies is with past suggestions that we all share any gains evenly between us. Should that one "Besslerfish" be caught and landed, do you feel it would be fair to share with the number of members who have never participated? There is an old famous quote about the non-participants receiving recognition and rewards, but I cannot find or remember it.

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