Playing oscillatory fulcrum...

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iacob alex
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Playing oscillatory fulcrum...

Post by iacob alex »

.....with an inverted pendulum,on a horizontal line , at :
on a vertical line , at :
on a circular line , at : ... ondary.gif
If we find a manner /an arrangement to synchronize the primary oscillation with the secondary oscillation we can get a natural nondestructive resonance (as in electronics...) ?!...or an increased response of the mechanical system to a periodic driving force oscillating at the frequency at which the system tends to oscillate naturally?!
Resonance is like stirring,provoking,arousing incoming "waves" of motion...
Take a look at : ... terference ... jects-0617
It's like we have an ubiquitous source of motion (including mechanical...) ?!...and a dilemmatic "Quo vadis" ?!

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Georg Künstler
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re: Playing oscillatory fulcrum...

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi iacob alex,
good finding that we have some oscillations are overlapping.
in some Besslers drawings you will see a T-Pendulum.

In my construction I used 2 swinging weights on the side arms and one weight with offset in the middle. We have an asymmetric construction.

The construction is self starting, because we have more weights on the left.

When the T-Pendulum is starting to move one weight is going up, the other down, but the third weight is making a special move, it will cross the vertical line and is now on the right side.

We have an overlayed swinging, but no gain.
A gain you will get with an additional force on the construction, which I had shown with the water bucket, it is a sudden weight change !! which will influence the harmonic swinging.
Self starting T-pendulum
Self starting T-pendulum
Best regards

iacob alex
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re: Playing oscillatory fulcrum...

Post by iacob alex »

Hi Georg !
In my opinion ,the problem is amplifying the very small motion/swinging (my proposal is rotation...) in a large one or a resonance overlap /state.
As you know , we have destructive extending resonance as :
...or a constructive over and over one , as :
All we need is an "overflow" of motion...or synchronization of two oscillations.
As a matter of fact , I see a gravity powered device as. a Mechanical undulater , playing gravity as a "waver"...with the help of a possible gravity torque unbalance on the same side of the fulcrum.
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iacob alex
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re: Playing oscillatory fulcrum...

Post by iacob alex » to obtain a possible constructive resonance ("gain" of motion...), at : ... ondary.gif
.....or :
.....if we introduce a tune "range" (moving to or fro...regulating positioning...) of the fulcrum(s) , so to stabilize the resonance .
Take a look at :
.....but thinking about a lever , as a possible oscillatory motion "transformer/amplifier" ?!
Simplicity is the first step to knowledge.
Georg Künstler
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re: Playing oscillatory fulcrum...

Post by Georg Künstler »

iacob alex wrote:
All we need is an "overflow" of motion...or synchronization of two oscillations.

I can agree, an overflow of motion you will always have with an inverted pendulum, which is being catched by the fall.

Therefore you must shorten and lengthen the pendulum arm, to allow a swing back .
So in other words you must extract the energy to allow a swing back.

A simple inverted pendulum with variable movable arms will fulfill the function.
Best regards

iacob alex
Posts: 2449
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re: Playing oscillatory fulcrum...

Post by iacob alex » a new manner , if we release the radial inertia / acceleration , at :
So , we can play the "full" gravity free fall (tangential and normal accelerations...) , if we take into consideration the so old shadoof concept.
Simplicity is the first step to knowledge.
Georg Künstler
Posts: 1758
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re: Playing oscillatory fulcrum...

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi iacob alex,
nice finding, but the oscillaion is only going up and down.
The construction is under stress by gavity.
And it is a pendulum and not an inverted pendulum.

When you have a look at the stand support, then you will imagine that during one oscillation the force on the legs will variate.

So we can move the leg which is not used.
We can move one leg higher and create an up step function.
That is the function which is needed.
Best regards

iacob alex
Posts: 2449
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re: Playing oscillatory fulcrum...

Post by iacob alex »

.....or axial pumping pendulum , as :
It was an old topic of this forum ("Feltenberger pendulum..."...)
As a "fancy" , we can start thinking and imaging about a possible gravity powered device , as a repetitive free falling (up-down) inverted pendulum on the same side, or as a real torque difference on the same side of the fulcrum of a cyclical variable leverage ...but Feltensberger's axial variability is so practical !
Let's remind that the universal fulcrum/"support" of the mechanical motions ( the First Law of Mechanics ) is related to inertia...but playing oscillatory fulcrum ?
Simplicity is the first step to knowledge.
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