Posted by Lloyd Burton ( on March 06, 2003 at 00:49:20:
Although this is not about Bessler's Wheel I thought it might be of interest. I shall be using the same technique to test Effect for Over Unity.
I have made an experiment to test the alleged power said to be obtained from the magnetic gate effect, using small ferrite permanent magnets. It takes the form of a simple pendulum arm. Due care has been taken to minimise air resistance and friction.
A magnet is mounted on the end of a pendulum arm about 170mm long swinging in the vertical plane. The North pole of the magnetic is directed in the direction of swing and the longest axis of the magnet is parallell to the axis of rotation. The pendulum arm is provided with a pointer that moves against a fixed scale.
A fixed stop is provided near the top of the arc of rotation of the perdulum. The pendulum is raised as far as this stop, then released and allowed to fall under its own weight. A careful note is made of the point to which it rises at the end of the swing, and the place marked on the scale.
Next, a second magnet of similar power is installed at the lowest point of the pendulum's arc of swing, with the North pole facing the centre of rotation and the longest axis parralel to the first magnet. The second magnet is fixed at a distance from the arc of rotation of the pendulum sothat the first magnet (when in the 'down' position) will gate with the second under its own weight. (The experiment was repeated with the second magnet nearer and further from this position.)
The pendulum is again raised and released and the highest point of swing marked. To facilitate accuracy I used a Hall Effect magnet sensor to find this point. My pointer and scale was accurate to about 1/4 of a degree.
If the Bedini Magnetic Gate is capable of producing Over Unity when a magnet passes through it, the pendulum should rise higher when the gate is in place than without it.
Result: No detectable increment in energy.
Conclusion: The Magnetic Gate effect works like a spring with a long compression and a quick release. i.e. you only get out what you put in.
I have done other experiments with a balanced horizontal wheel of the same diameter without getting any indication of OU. In every case the moving magnet and the fixed magnet repel each other unless outside force is applied.
I know that someone else claims to have achieved OU (at 1200 rpm) on a 36 inch (900mm) diameter wheel. The distance is critical apparently, and so I suppose is the power of the magnets. When I find time I shall test this on my pendulum rig. As I said earlier I also plan to test for the increment in energy that Evert claims to be obtainable from the sling effect.
Have I gone wrong somewhere in my method? Please let me have your comments.