What a pain

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Posted by Ron Flory ( on March 15, 2003 at 02:03:09:

Since my last post I have'nt been able to work due to a pinched nerve. The doc says I have an inflamed disc, most likely from me lifting to much weight. It's mostly affecting the nerves to my right shoulder and arm. After a couple of days of very painful muscle spasms even the pain meds did'nt do much, and I could'nt even hold a pen to sign my name. Anyhow no more heman lifting for me.

How did Bessler transport his wheels, did he transport them intact or did he disassemble them and then load and transport them in his wagon, or did he manufacture each wheel on site?

I've also been working out the design of my next wheel. One of the problems I faced was how do I make the weights 100% heavier than the wheel without increasing the diameter of the weights. I started out with a lead disc incased in steel with a brass bushing in the center, it looked alot like the wood cutout diagram I've seen posted but I believe I've come up with a clever way that fits my requirements without needing to use a soft heavy metal and still greatly increase the weight of the weights. The other problem I still face is my design needs a dampener to take the shock out of the centrifugal force the weights create otherwise the device will start bouncing. I was thinking that maybe putting hollow discs at each end, half filled with beebees will work.

I'm going to farm out the machine work for the parts to different machine shops in the area this time around, I think that will save me alot of head scratching.

Mr Collins, Thanks for the post about the patent info. Do you know of any laws that could put someone in prison just for releasing information about the type of device we are trying to build, if successfully built, even if we don't use the patent process. I would hate to think that after all the work and resources put into such a device that you need to hold a workshop in secrecy and then those people hold their own secret workshop just so people could have a rogue power plant in a secret room like their drug dealers something.

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