Posted by Davis Landstrom ( on March 14, 2002 at 10:04:21:
Attenuation or push gravity is an interesting idea, first thought of by a man by the name of Wright, however it is a 'theory' in crisis in terms of the stability of its theoretical basis.
It is an idea that is appropriate for Besslerists like our selvs as it involves a medium, light, aether, Zero point energy, neutrinos, inverse gravitic photons e.t.c imparting energy to mass which effects 'attraction' or the forcing together of those two masses through the 'pressure' of the medium actung on the masses. I believe that Wright adhered to the idea that the Attenuation medium was photonic in nature and that all gravity therefore came from the sun. At it's most fundamental level the push gravity is an energetic phenomena, one that could elimanate the need to view gravity as a conservative force, this I suspect, Scott, is why you included the detailed and comprahensive collection of materials on the subject on
The idea that gravity might be a push or a pressure of some kind completely unrelated to the phenomena of mass is an interesting notion, however it has several flaws as a theory (hence the 'theory'). Conventional Newtonian pull gravity demonstrates the relationship between mass and gravitational field strength which holds true for all situations, if gravity were a product of neutrinos, photons or some kind of incomming graviton then that would not explain why astronomical objects like neutron stars posses the gravitational fields they do, after all these super massive bodies can exist independantly of any star (they were after all once a star) which could saturate the surface of the neutron star with enough radiation to attribute the gravitational forces we know are associated with them. Unless the source of the push is aether/zero point energy in which case the above argument elimanates all but one of the possable sources of the push.
As you are well aware gravity is a force whose strength increases inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the point of force orrigin, basicaly the gravity we experiance is strongest (for us) closest to the surface of the earth, each time you double your distance from the surface of the earth in say a rocket ship, the strength of the gravity decreases by four times. How can any pushing force not opperating from a centre of mass but rather opperating from the sun or in from space create this increase in 'field' strength that seems to increase in strength by a factor of four every time you double your distance from the source of the push? Again if attenuation is the product of light photons, neutrinos or any other solar related phenomena which both obay the inverse square law how can they create the effect of gravity here on earth?
Gravity is something that we feel quite litteraly from our feet, we are pulled to the centre of gravity by our feet, a pushing force we would feel acting down from our head so common experience alone tends to disproove push gravity.
Any input and views from interested believers and non believers alike would be appreciated. Thanks