Posted by David ( on March 18, 2003 at 17:29:49:
In Reply to: Re: What feeds you? posted by Jeff Langworthy on March 18, 2003 at 16:11:55:
Also curious about why people choose to state their ideas. Gill, don't take this as an attack, but you seem fairly zealous in your posts. Why do you feel it important for people to recognize you ( beside your point that there's a great conspiracy in the american government that needs to be undone)? If you so believe in your idea-why don't YOU build it? Why do you needs others input, and their drive to get this done?
Jeff, on some things you wrote,
> Established science has had a history of being proven wrong by those who dare to question it, and new truths lead us closer to correctly understanding the nature of things.
Yes but it also has a history of being proven right. Especially in the last 100 or so years.
> I believe in gravity power:
So do I. But from strictly a mathematical point of view once a body is lowered in a graviatational field, it takes the same energy to raise it again. However, if a gravitaional field itself were to rotate around said device, then the gravity could very easily be harnessed. One reason why I don't understand the viewpoint that tidal generators are not a source of free energy. They are, the moons gravity does work, and none of its potential is diminished. On this, could be possible that Bessler DID fake his devices (a possible reason why he really smashed them, and why he never revealed his "secret")On what a few others also wrote, maybe all he really did have was just a theory. Smash the machine, take the money, give the theory? Maybe it was the moons gravity. I refer again to the beginning of his clues where he states water in two forms. Could the moons gravity affect a swinging pendulum?
> on a personal note, several people have told me my own grandfather actually made a working device that he destroyed after some monied people showed a little too much interest in it. Rural legend? Maybe, but he was locally known for being a mechanical genius, and those that told me about it were some of the most credible people I know. Like the quote says, "some things have to be believed to be seen".
Do you have ANY information on this device? Size shape etc. If you know these people well enough to know they are credible, then they must have said something regarding the machine. Otherwise how could you really know any of it? Just asking.
Finally I question why anyone working in this area would want to reveal anything they are doing. Sure, you say fame and fortune don't interest you, but it takes money to do anything worthwhile in this world, and there are several sources that would provide you with an instant fortune were this ever to be achieved. Think about it. I think it's because no one really knows but you hope, and so every one is shouting out in the dark, hoping for some revelation, and not really thinking about the big picture.
: There is a real need to fill:
: There is a universal need for energy, and people are suffering and dying for lack of it.
>: I personally enjoy workshop time, working with materials at hand toward specific practical ends. It's a meditation of sorts- it keeps me moving and makes me feel useful.
Do you mind if I ask what you do and how old you are.
Also heres a free energy site that offers opinions from both sides. You could always get some help here
: By the way, fame and fortune are not what drives me.