Posted by david ( on March 27, 2003 at 11:23:25:
Looking at the site Jeff mentioned that has someones redrawing of the MT pictures, and looking at some quotes, things still don't add up. First liebniz did not say he thought Bessler had something genuin, rather he thought it needed looking into, that there was something remarkable about it, but it was not perpetual motion;
'I do not think Mr. Gartner will easily discover Mr. Orffyreus' secret. I also do not think it is purely perpetual motion, because I believe that to be impossible. If it is, then the machine could be enlarged to give much greater power. But I suspect that there is some physical principle behind it because its power is quite limited.' - Gottfried Leibniz, 5th October, 1715
Also some people state when a load was applied to it its power was greatly reduced, a pulley a forth the size of the axel had to be used top lift any weight. If the axel was 8 inches that makes the lifting axel 2 inches. 2X3.14=6.28x24=approx.15 feet of pulling powerxweight per minute.
Other quotes state the velocity of the wheel stayed the same. A contradiction.
John Collins states on his new web page that he has a new diagram that shows without a shadow of a doubt how the wheel worked. Honestly John, not to put you on the spot (well actually I am) is this true, or is it savy book marketing? I ask you respectively. If true, can you share anything?
The drawings the site has are interesting, quite a few of them, but are they really based on what Bessler had in MT? One or two of them look like DaVinci's ideas.