Re: Ovyyus

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Posted by David--Moses ( on April 22, 2003 at 11:35:00:

In Reply to: Re: Ovyyus posted by MrTim on April 21, 2003 at 21:49:05:

> That's fine for the large wheels, but still doesn't explain the 3 foot wheel. And again, since the innards were covered, wouldn't this trap heat? And why didn't any witnesses describe heat radiating from any of the wheels? Especially the Kassel wheel, which, after running for almost 2 months, would certainly have built up enough heat to be noticable? Strange that nobody mentioned it....

Not if it was a gas that needed little heat to expand, and since what we are talking about is the more important issue is dumping the heat, having it radiate out into the enviroment, then no. There is an ancient method they use to cool flasks of water in the desert, I think it is a double flask, where the heat actually aids in the cooling of the flask. Wish I could rmember how it was done. By the way I am not inventing a hydralic system.Why bother? Only posting that could be how he did it, since the clues seem to point to water and air.

Forgive me for being skeptical of the gas/hydraulic/piston/(whatever) idea, I sincerely wish you the best of luck with it, but I see easier, more efficient, ways to overbalance a wheel, and that's where I'm putting my efforts and resources into.

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