Posted by John Collins ( on April 26, 2003 at 00:32:14:
In Reply to: Re: General comments posted by David on April 25, 2003 at 14:55:36:
: John I hope you don't mind me replying to this.
No of course not David.
: David here, I certainly hope no one sees this as an attack but have no other way of putting it. John, I know you are not an engineer with a degree. You've said as much to me over 5 years ago, that you only worked with engineers. Am I wrong on this?
It's true that I don't have a degree although I attended University to obtain an Engineering Doctorate and was sponsored by my employer. These Doctorates are alternatives to PhDs and are geared to directly supplying the needs of industry. Due to circumstances beyond my control I had to finish before I received my doctorate. These doctorates are designed to test candidates and their projects must demonstrate innovation in the application of knowledge to the engineering business. Because I left without a formal certificate I was unable to obtain the employment I originally sought and so I set up business as a consultant to the engineering fraternity. I spent most of the time offering innovations to production line procedures. This involved analysis of the physical way that things are designed, made, constructed or assembled. I had to keep in mind cost, simplicity, practicality, effectiveness, wastage etc. Innovation was the key and its resulting effectiveness for the company. In other words I was and am a problem-solver. I had to learn numerous new competencies and having analysed the options, make recommendations based on work I, and the others based at each client, had carried out over a period of some weeks.
...the fact that I have said repeatedly that I think gravity did pull the wheel via weights, but something else shifted the weights, and the fact that even a wheel with a configuration of moving weights can be made to act as a flywheel, disputes this.
John - I did not know that you accepted that David, sorry.