Posted by Davis Landstrom ( on April 27, 2003 at 15:57:35:
I see that you are a sceptical free energy researcher, so am I.
I must say that your comments have stimulated some lively (and in my oppinion productive) debate over the last couple of weeks.
Any way, you say that you have tinkered with Mangetic motors, have you ever built the SMOT, (Simple Magnetic Overunity Toy linear motor) if so what is your verdict of it?
I have constructed one and I must say that it is quite a puzzle. It seems as though the ball bearing is gaining in potential energy as it travels up the magnetic incline, as a result of mass x gravity x height. In addition there is no 'initial resistance' to over come when placing the bearing at the base of the ramp, so no potential energy 'spring loading' occurs(a charecteristic of the TOMI-Theory Of Magnetic Instability device and the Bedini flux gate-which rules them out as being candidates for overunity) your thoughts would be most welcome.