Re: I'd like your opinions, regular posters

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Posted by Darren ( on April 30, 2003 at 09:04:57:

In Reply to: Re: I'd like your opinions, regular posters posted by Vector Viper on April 30, 2003 at 02:28:06:

: Ok, I normally don't post twice, but I just need to say, even
: if this is THE probverbial Bessler wheel, I will still try out
: ideas-we all should. There may be other, better ways to
: do the same thing...I just realized that a gear is just
: a fancy, continuous lever, for example...changes how you
: think...

I agree. I do believe I have Bessler's design but I also know there's a very specific principle behind it that makes it work, one that the workd of physics has known about foreve... and that principle can be applied in more than one way. A design immedately preceeding my current design also produced OU (about 20%) but would never turn bi-directionally, get up over 10 RPM, and required an intergral, aligned base. I used what Bessler called "several a priori... laws of mechanical perpetual motion" (what I've been calling "the principle") but in a totally different configuration and... click... the pieces all fell into place. Now there's higher RPM, bi-directional, CF is accounted for, and just a wheel that doesn't required an aligned base. So yes, keep trying, keep designing, because if I found a fair solution, and then rediscovered Bessler's better, faster design, then I'm sure there's an even *better* one yet to be found. Don't you dare give up just because I might sound totally confident this is "it". I firmly believe that when this rolls out there will be an immediate run of definite improvements that stream from engneers around the world. Big rock + calm pond = great surfing

: I also think July will be an interesting month!

Depends on how dramatic this all gets. It may slowly seep out into the colleges and universities first, spreading among scientific groups... or it could easily wind up a media circus... I totally prefer the former and will do everything in my power to avoid the latter. Absolutely no renting of racetracks for me. It means you might not hear about it on every TV channel, but I think it's the better path to acceptance, distribution, and healthy growth of the idea.

: Viper 'Working on...things'

Good luck Vipe,

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