Posted by Scott Ellis ( on May 04, 2003 at 00:57:23:
Hi Vlado,
My name is Scott Ellis and I operate the website.
Thanks very much for your recent post on my discussion board. I really enjoyed your remarks and greatly appreciate your offer to provide general consultation for the community. I strongly support and encourage your generous attitude, since it helps foster an open, academic "marketplace of ideas." I think it this type of environment which stands the best chance of producing an ultimate solution to the universal PM mystery.
I am also REALLY SORRY that you were attacked by "Rick T" right after your great post. "Rick's" response was offensive, mean, and obnoxious. It in no way reflected the opinions of anyone else on this discussion board. As you might have noted, I'm considering attempting to ban this person entirely...
Unfortunately, my ability to do that is technically limited, and it might actually cause yet more trouble... So I'm in something of a quandry right now.
Anyway, just wanted to say thanks again. And welcome. It's wonderful to have you here. I know I speak for everyone when I say that.
And I'm sorry that you've been caught up in the whole unfortunate "David" affair. It's really just a bad coincidence.
P.S. Your work on a modular and flexible experimentation platform is very interesting and will make a great contribution. Thanks for sharing! I hope you'll send pictures. I'd love to post them...