Posted by Scott Ellis ( on May 07, 2003 at 10:16:28:
In Reply to: a voice in the wilderness posted by Davis Landstrom on May 07, 2003 at 09:11:25:
Hi Davis,
In case you missed it, let me direct you to my original response to "Voice" a little over a week ago:
I strongly believe that this device does not turn. For such an (apparently) religious person, "Voice" certainly does seem willing, even eager to mislead people on this matter!
Yes, "Voice," I am trying to (respectfully) push your buttons so you'll come clean with us...
: There are one or two things about this wheel of yours that don't add up.
: Firstly the wheel seems to be uni-directional, if this is so then why the need to give it a push? surely it should start without any human intervention, as a matter of fact surely the only way to stop such a wheel would be to physically restrain it with some kind of brake (like Bessler's uni-directional wheels)
: Secondly I would like to ask a question that quite a few have been asking and you don't seem to be answering - how long does the wheel rotate for when set in motion? a few minutes? hours? days? indefinately? please tell us as this information is important.
: In all honesty I do not think that you have a gravity powered wheel I think that you have a flywheel. This is evidenced by the fact that the wheel has to be set in motion with a push and does not self start (as it would if it were a gravity wheel) I strongly suspect that it will not sustain it's own rotation and stops after a few minutes. Those lead weights probably add to the fly wheel effect and keep it in motion for a good few minutes.
: I would probably have to re-evaluate the above if you tell me that it rotates indefinately and accelerates after a small push! I would probably have to replicate it as well!