Posted by hiicho ( on May 12, 2003 at 21:33:56:
Hi there, every one here. Have any had chance to read? What do everyone think?
April 28, 2003
After about six months of puzzling over the mystery of Bessler's wheel, and about a year's worth of verifying calculations and revising the engineering, I have finally solved the riddle. Bessler's wheel were real and he was not a fraud. A prototype is being built now. Expected completion date is July 4th, 2003 Independence Day. That gives me 65 days starting from 4/29... start the clock.
For anyone unfamiliar with Bessler and his famous (or infamous) wheels here are a list of the clues Bessler and other eyewitnesses left behind as to it's opperation and construction. He built a total of five wheels, the first three being uni-directional wheels and the last two being bi-directional wheels. The following clues pertain to all his wheels and notes about my prototype follow each clue...
Machine was set in motion by weights. - Bessler
The prototype will indeed be set in motion by internal weights. Once started it will spin up to speed on it's own and maintain.
Weights acted in pairs - Bessler
The weights will indeed act in pairs. We must have balance, no?
Weights gained force from their own swinging. - Bessler
As the wheel accelerates the force of the moving weights will increase the rotational force of the entire wheel.
Weights came to be placed together, arranged one against another. - Bessler
Yes, in specific quadrants of the wheel the weights will be against one another, others quadrants no. How can they "come to be placed together" if they aren't apart at some point?
Weights applied force at right angles to the axis. - Bessler
Absolutely! Wouldn't work without this part.
Springs were employed, but not as detractors suggested. - Bessler
Yes, springs will be used but not to wind up the wheel or anything so obviously dopey as that. They are intergral but not actually a storage mechanism for potential energy.
The machine's power was directly proportional to its diameter. - Bessler
Yes, the bigger the wheel the more power it will have. For those who loves numbers I apologize, I don't have stats for this, the first prototype will simply be used to prove the principle, not generate maximum output. That comes later.
Interior of the machine was a simple arrangement of weights and levers. - Prince Karl, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel, eyewitness account
I am *amazed* nobody has figured this out yet. It's just as Karl said... "the machine is so simple that a carpenter's boy could understand and make it after having seen the inside of this wheel." I don't actually need 65 days to build it, it could be done in a week, but I want to roll it out on the 4th, and keep everyone in suspense for a while too.
Weights were pierced in the middle and attached by connecting springs. - Acta Eridutorum, An Account of the Perpetuum Mobile of J. E. E. Orffyreus, 1715
The weights are indeed pierced in the middle and attached to springs. I'm not telling if they're the same springs mentioned above, and for Bessler enthusiasts no, I'm not going to tell you which "middle"
Weights were heard hitting the side of the wheel going down. - many eyewitness accounts
Oh yes, it's going to be a noisy wheel. And yes, they will be hitting on the downward turning side.
Machine made scratching noises, as if parts or poles moved over one another. - many eyewitness accounts
I can definitely see how Bessler's wheel, built in the early 1700's, would have scratched and scraped because this wheel could theoretically have been built out of wooden boards and rocks, but I will certainly correct this problem and will do away with as much interference as possible.
Weights were attached to moveable or elastic arms on the periphery of the wheel. - Johann Christian Wolff, eyewitness account
Hmmm, I guess you could call them movable arms.
Weights landed on slightly warped boards. - Johann Christian Wolff, eyewitness account
He was observant, but he must have been peeking through the oilcloth when Bessler wasn't looking... yes, there will b direction wheel and I think it will be more impressive.
Also, the bi-directional wheel was said to require a push to get started whereupon it sped up to about 26 RPM where it maintained speed indefinitely, while the uni-directional wheel would begin to turn on its own once an anchoring cord was untied and it would reach the higher 50 RPM range and stay there. I don't see why both wheels types wouldn't turn just as fast... I see very little difference in their inner workings, something that Bessler mentioned too.
And what's probably the scariest thing of all... Bessler's "Apologia Poetica" (Formal Poetic Defense - Kassel, 1716) actually makes sense now... at least the majority of it, as does Bessler's "Das Triumphirende Perpetuum Mobile" from 1719 which describes the wheel perfectly, albeit very vaguely.
(additional details about Bessler's wheels and the circumstances surrounding his life and discovery can be found on and
Almost everyone knows that science has "proven" mechanical over-unity, or over-unity of any kind, is not possible. I am also sickeningly familiar with the laws of conservation and the theory that gravity is a conservative force... but I warn you now... you will want to start rethinking some of these ideas today, because this design works. I am not a fan of magnetic, ethereal, coldfusion, thermal, or capillary over-unity, mostly because I don't see anything in those areas that can be converted to energy (you still can't create energy from nothing) but gravity... now's there's something I can tap into... a never-ending stream of force... pushing a mechanical, overbalanced paddle wheel. Boggles the mind.
Finally, I want to make it clear that I am not after anyone's money, nor will I accept a penny from a single person. The idea is not for sale, although that may change once it's been verified by the most vicious, hard nosed critics and skeptics I can find. And once the principle itself eventually becomes mainstream I'm sure that there will be no holding it back... you'll hear about it and all the design details will be made available.
Darren Houle