Posted by SK ( on May 17, 2003 at 09:56:58:
Hi everyone.
Today I finally fix the design.
I saw a big possibility last time.
Today I can sure my design by experiment.
By one weight move I can rorate 3/8 rotation today.
So I decide to patient my desigh to Korea Patient office next monday. After than I will shaow you my wheel to everyone here.
I think the wheel need great accuracy. In my case the diameter is only 40 cm. So I always consider the accuracy.
But the weight is very big, compare to the size.
What do you think about my plan to submit a document to the patient office?
I think that is the best way to approve me as the first inventor(?) or discoveror.
If you have another Idea of the plan, please let me know.
I am sorry to everyone on this site, because I got many comment or advice from this site people.
But I have some difficulties during building the wheel.
The Bivration is too big.
So I have to consider the firm Stand for the wheel.
By moving the mass center, the wheel try to move forward or bivrate.
So I thnk more firm stand is needed for stable rotation.
I think my idea is not the only one.
Maybe the other can make it more effficient.
Next week I will send my desigh to you.
Please look carefully my design.
See you next week
regards SK (Seok kyun in Korea)