Re: Question for Darren/Last one

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Posted by Darren ( on May 19, 2003 at 09:19:05:

In Reply to: Re: Question for Darren/Last one posted by Jason on May 18, 2003 at 18:37:32:

: respectively, did you lie about any of the details?

No, not intentionally. I may have inadvertantly contradicted myself somewhere or caused confusion talking about Design I or Design II (I've made alot of posts lately) but I haven't intentionally lied about any details. If I thought something came too close to revealing important details I simply left it out or made nothing more than a vague comment or a little tease.

:As I said, may be hard to answer. Is it still ahhh... hope this is okay to say...teeter tooter type design?

I know it was a typo but that was pretty funny... made me laugh out loud :-) Actually, no, I don't ever remember saying it was any kind of "teeter totter" design. Did I say that somewhere? Sorry, don't remember that.

: Also curious you said it would only take a couple of weeks, but are now saying it is complicated...have you made an error that you now need to correct and the complexity went up? Is it still fitting Besslers seen and clued model?

Again, that has to do with the whole Design I and Design II thing... Design I would have been more complicated to build (which is why I was stalling) and did not fit Bessler's clues very well, but Design II is much simpler and fits the clues perfectly. I am working on a computer simulation of Design II and if that works as planned a physical model is next.

As far as taking a couple weeks... yes, design II is very simple and shouldn't take long... unless you procrastinate like me and have a million little life things get in the way... which is why I've given myself a couple months... and a deadline... and posted on GreaterThings so that everone would hound me to finish it :-)


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