Posted by John Lindsay ( on May 20, 2003 at 14:41:29:
In Reply to: Question for John Lindsey posted by grim on May 19, 2003 at 20:21:26:
: Hi John
: Found your previous post interesting. Are you saying that the design of the 'Liberotor' is or is fairly close to JB's internal design, according to your sources?
: Saw a documentary dealing with the animal kingdom where same-species animals were on two separate islands. One individual on one of the islands learned to use a rudimentary
: tool to obtain food. It was observed that as others on the island also learned from the individual to use the tool, the other group isolated on the other island sponaneously began
: to do the same, seemingly with experience. To me, this would seem to point to evidence of a "field consciousness", and if it exists in the animal kingdom it most certainly might exist
: with humankind.
: It may also be possible that JB's design is floating around in mankind's collective consciousness and is therefore possibly not lost at all, but it may be harder to access this info
: than if a group was privy to it, as in the above example.
: I know that Prof. Ewert in Germany tried to use remote viewers to investigate the wheel through the window of the past, and the CIA and Soviets had, and may still have, trained remote viewers
: and even attempted to create psychic assassins.
: An even scarier thought- with all the people who visit this site, both vocal and silent, concentrating on JB and his designs, if thought really can penetrate to the past, what if WE are all the
: 'bodiless beings' and 'demons' that JB wrote and complained of?
: Thanks for any info/answer you could provide. I know this is some heavy esoterics, but I look at ALL angles at least once.
: Regards
: grim
Thanks for your inquiry. I think the terms collective unconscious or universal mind are something along the lines I view it. It has been said that "all information is available", it just depends on your ability to translate it using consciousness in a different manner than is normally used. I have discussed different designs for wheels over the years with various "inner space" (I guess you could use that phrase) entities who Never gave me a design, but would answer questions and give mild suggestions. They viewed it as a personal challenge that I had taken on, and knew the effort and experence involved was worth the reward not just in this area but all areas of life. In other words they weren't going to hand me something on a silver platter. I have put thousands of hours into this and other "things". I had lots of other questions too about the nature of a variety of things, so our conversations were quite fascinating to say the least. I think their perspective would be that we could pick-up and translate information ourselves if we would learn to expand the use of our consciousness. Personally, I can't tell anybody what to do in that area. I know what works for me. It has been a slow process. Anyway, they said -Yes, this is the design concept. All the measurements are close to this. "The tilt is not that much". "Experiment!" I just don't have the equipment to make it. John