Posted by Lurker ( on May 27, 2003 at 21:55:49:
In Reply to: Why you should patent. posted by D. on May 27, 2003 at 13:54:36:
: To make this short. A patent is made to set priority. I seriously doubt there are those scowering patents, trying to prevent them from being published.
Most all of the possible ways of making perpetual motion machines and free energy devices have ALREADY been patented and published. All people are doing now is re-inventing the wheel for the hundredth time. No one is preventing these devices from being "published", but SOMETHING is preventing them from becoming widely known and used. For example, Bedini generators, homopolar generators, Adams motors, permanant magnet motors, etc. There are even several companies that are attmpting to SELL these devices. If they really work as advertised, though, it is strange that they have not been able to gain a significant foothold in the market. This MAY be because they do not work, but there are other possible reasons as well.
The Lutec 1000 is one such device. The Perendev magnetic motor is another. One possibility is that Bessler's Wheel was a type of permanant magnet motor, assunming that it was not a fraud, of course.
Here is the link to the Lutec 1000 web site.
Here is a link to the Perendev magnetic motor:
John Bedini has a web page about a perpetual motion magnetic motor invented in 1269 A.D.:
There are even several patents which are entirely mechanical in nature which may be gravity powered devices, though no one can tell for sure untill someone actually BUILDS one of them and tests it. None of these patents CLAIM to be for perpetual motion devices, of course, because patent offices now have a rule requiring a working device before a patent can be issued. It seems most inventors are good at developing ideas, but totally incompetant at actually BUILDING anything. Thus, the inventors use obtuse languege such as a "gravitational energy extractor" or some such nonesense.
Now, I should point out that Techstuff has ALREADY built a working gravity motor:
According to him, THIS DEVICE REALLY WORKS. No one seems to pay any attention, though, which seems pretty strange to me. I would think everyone would be trying to repeat the experiment to verify it, especially since it is such a simple device. One theory for why this is not happening is because people fall into one of two catagories. 1) they don't believe it will work 2) they believe it will work, but they think they can do better while at the same time getting credit for the discovery. So, even if they DO repeat the experiment, they keep quiet while they try make something that seems diferent enough that they can patent it. Pretty sad if you ask me. In the mean time, the world continues to burn fossil fuel, and the oil companie continue to get rich.
Like I said before, I think we have ALREADY discovered how to make all of the basic types of perpetual motion machines and over-unity devices. All we need to do now is get people to stop trying to claim credit for things that have already been invented, and get them to WORK TOGETHER to make the inventions available for use in solving the world's problems.