Posted by Scott Ellis ( on July 04, 2002 at 21:48:43:
In Reply to: Bessler Observations posted by Dave R. on July 03, 2002 at 18:44:30:
Thanks a lot, Dave, for your post and for your support. I couldn't agree with you more! This site need more activity. I devote as much time as I can to it, but with two kids and a full-time job, I can only do so much. Thanks for helping pick up my slack!
I hope we can help spark some new activity. My goal is for to be best "marketplace of ideas" on the Internet for Bessler and PM.
And though it may take me a while to get around to it, I still have a lot of planned additions for the site, like interesting magnet experiments, the Faraday Homopolar Generator, some of Tesla's wild ideas, and Stephan Wolfram's "New Kind of Science."
Stay tuned...
Scott ;)
: This website needs more activity!!!
: I first read of Bessler as a teenager, I am 57 now. Several years ago I found cybertownmike's website and have been hooked ever since. I have Collin's book, ordered the prints from Germany and have built more wheels than I care to discuss (none worked but sure looked promising). I have invested a LOT of time and money to no avail but feel that with every failure, I learned a little more. I offer the following comments and hope that it starts an exchange:
: 1. There is no way that ropes could be used as they would tend to stretch with 2 million revolutions (but I could be wrong). The interesting part is that the ropes and pulley resemble a block and tackle setup.
: 2. Any idea why the windows?
: 3. The wheel was very flimsey but extremely heavy! Doesn't jive. Is this the excess weight referred to by Bessler?
: 4. I don't believe that it could have used large springs because in the 1700's, if available would have to have been special made and then that part of the secret would have been revealed.
: I feel that this website should start a movement to get Bessler recognized for the genius that he was because I have no doubt that his invention was real.
: I also still predict that a prototype will be demonstrated this year.
: Now, let's have some feedback and get this website a lot more active.
: Dave Roberts