Posted by grim ( on August 05, 2002 at 18:40:49:
Went to to look up Costa's patent to see if there was a drawing to supplement photos, maybe clear up understanding of what he was doing. Couldn't find it, but put in "motion wheel" and got back patent number
WO-zero-25-zero-432. Put in typed zero's instead of the "o" for clarity (WOO250532). It is called "Gravity Engine", it is by Zabala Larranga Ignacio, full patent with drawings and explanation of operation. Reminds me of the "Asa Jackson
Wheel" on the cybrtown site. Uses levers, roller wheels, lead weights. Downloaded drawing on .pdf if anyone wants to see it and has trouble. Couldn't find Costa's number INPI95/12421. Maybe went wrong way, someone else may have better luck.
Still thought the Gravity Engine was neat.
Regards to all----Grim