Re: Data from quasars calls Einstein into question

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Posted by Brett Smith ( on August 12, 2002 at 18:03:44:

In Reply to: Re: Data from quasars calls Einstein into question posted by grim on August 12, 2002 at 17:01:39:

G'day Grim,
Damn good question, It also makes one ask what is the force that propels light in the first place!!
I asked a similar question of my teacher when at school, "where doe's the light go when you turn the switch off?"
I still don't have an answer!!

: Maybe someone could answer a question for me. When I was in school an instructor told us that light travels 186,282 miles per second in a vacuum, slightly less in air and even less thru water. He told us that light going thru the air passing into a bottle of water changes speed thru the glass, the water, the glass again, and when it enters the air on the other side resumes its original velocity through air that it started with. I asked how it was possible for the light to accelerate back to its "thru air" speed with no boost of energy to accelerate it, my question was ignored. Doesn't this violate the law of conservation? Maybe I missed something. Can anyone shed any light on this (no pun intended)?

: ----grim

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