Re: wheel update

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Posted by Smithy ( on August 27, 2002 at 17:46:55:

In Reply to: wheel update posted by grim on August 27, 2002 at 04:18:52:

G'day Grim,
You may well be correct in saying the weights have insufficient mass to turn the wheel over, I've done a small calculation and the travel of his (Costa) weights are 34mm over a 9 meter radius, this equates to 1 in 264 which is a huge ratio: I have also done the same calc for my small wheel and it comes to 1 in 71, do you think this will be enough to gain any form of OU, I usually fail to calculate the "flywheel" effect into some of my efforts and this seems to allways throw a spanner in the works. Any thoughts?

: The small weights, even when moving, have insufficient mass to lever the wheel over. Oh well it was inexpensive and worth a shot. Maybe Smithy will solve the problem of the Costa wheel having to be so large to operate. I hope someone figures this enigma out. If it was done once it can be done again. Myself I don't give up, and an experiment that fails is still a learning experience in the process of elimination.
: I saw on the Evert link that even remote viewing was tried in an effort by psychic people to determine the machine's construction by projecting their conciousness back to that time and place. I'm going to walk away from it for a minute, sometimes when one stays too close to a problem it can blind you.
: There's a tavern in this town called "Bessler's Place" (for real). Maybe I'll take a night off and see if I can get a vision of the mechanism to appear by staring into a shotglass of Wild Turkey....... then back to the drawing board. Don't give up, all.

: Regards,

: grim

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