Posted by Davis Landstrom ( on October 13, 2002 at 15:19:38:
This Axletree dynamo will not work for a very simple reason, that is, even though there does seem to be a possitive imballancing force, more energy will be needed to force the magnetised masses into the repulsive magnetic field than the imballancing torque force can provide, this can be quite easily demonstrated on paper IF you factorise into the equasion the fact that the flux density between magnets (in repulsion or attraction) varies inversely proportional to the square of the distance that the two magnetised bodies are appart. The machine relies on a possitive inballancing force to try and force the magnet on the armature into an area of high repulsive magnetic flux density (to force the lever arm closer to the center of the wheel) the simple fact is that the imballance will not provide enough energy to force the magnet arm into the area of high flux density. What if you added more weight in the form of more arms you might say? This won't work either because any extra imballance you hope to gain will be cancelled out by the presence of opposing weights/magnet arms which are leaving the magnetic field. By the law of moments the net torque generated will be 0 therefore the net energy output will also be 0.
Don't get me wrong, I suspect that certain forms of 'free' energy are achievable, however I know a desighn that won't work when I see one. This Axletree dynamo is not an orrigional desighn, there are many very similar and identical patents and desighns out there for systems that attempt to generate dynamic torque by using magnets to create a weight imballance.
There are two interesting things this Axletree says on his web page. The first thing of note is ''The powers that control the government and money are still resisting people who bring forth perpetual motion'' By 'powers' I can only assume that he is refering to Oil/utility companies. (this would seem to be backed up by numerous references to their supposedly nefarious activities in the affairs of Tesla)
It is a well known fact that many free energy inventors who run scams or who have devices that don't work often use the 'oil conspiracey' as a way of covering them selves and/or keep face. It is also a well known fact that oil companies WOULD LOVE to get their hands on a working free energy device, NOT to get rid of it but to promote it.
It costs Oil companies an absolute fortune prospecting for and mining oil, as resources depleat it will reach a point where it will become uneconomic to continue exploiting oil as a fuel source, this is why oil companies are investing heavily in alternative enegy sources. Oil companies would stand to make a fortune from free energy, they could hold the licencing rights to the devices and make money licencing them, they could sell units and make money that way, free energy devices are always going to need lubrication and/or spare parts, even motionless ones, so the oil companies could STILL make money indefinately from the sale of lubrication and/or spare parts for these devices. You may notice that serious efforts at free energy like those of the JLN labs don't don't need to invoke any oil conspiracies.
The second point of interest is the reference to Joe Newman and his 'theories' of electromagnetism. I suggest that you read an excellent article by Eric Krieg called - Joe Newman's Free energy Claims - are they valid?
You will find the aticle at:
Newman is almost certainly not a bonafied free energy researcher, the legitimacey of his claims are highly suspect.