Posted by gill simo ( on November 02, 2002 at 04:57:12:
hi folks
in christopher dunns book giza power plant is a 5000 yr old wheeland a diagram of its dimentions
get a copy of this diagram, search 4 christopher dunn and find his address on the laura lee web site.when u get a copy draw as big a verscica piscis(two circles that cut each others centre) and note how perfectly it fits,how it can never centre itself at the wheels axis,what bessler meant by an axle which in its turn must also move, how the eye of the vp flails perfectly around the wheels axle and how ,once youve given it plenty of thought, it will spin forever. imagine the vp to be 2 disc magnets and youll start to see how ed leedskilnin at coral castle and the ancients managed to shift heavy weight around. if i could only send attatchments it would be much easier but 4 now i beg you all please to get a diag of that old wheel from c dunn and see 4 yourself the simple, obvious truth