Re: Suggestion

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Posted by Derek Green ( on November 11, 2002 at 14:41:44:

In Reply to: Re: Suggestion posted by Scott Ellis on November 11, 2002 at 09:17:10:

I have had issues around this as well, and while I'm not building a Bessler, I am always in need of a 3 foot wheel. :)

My last one was simply using a bicycle wheel as the foundation and building a fork to hold it. And while the bicycle wheel isn't 3 feet, it's easy enough to attach things to it.

The problem areas that always seem to arise are...

Mount stability
Accuracy of pi

I've tried many different approaches, but using a premade starting point like a bike wheel seems to be the fastest for me. I suspect for those of you building besslers, you could use two bike wheels and create a "paddle" wheel like design, so you have plenty of room inbetween the two bike wheels for whatever devices you are wanting to drive.


: Hi Dave,

: Thanks for your post.

: Absolutely! This sounds like a great idea. And I would definitley take you up on your kind offer to help get the ball rolling. Please just email me any pictures, text, etc. and I will create a place for them on the website.

: I, too, have struggled to come up with a good testing framework, and might be able to offer some pointers. And anyone else who has experience in this area, please feel free to contribute.

: Best,

: Scott

: : This is a great web site and definitely encourages experimentation. To assist those who are not mechanically inclined, why not ask for suggestions from the group as to the best design for a support for a wheel and various wheel type options and post them on your site. I spent a lot of time and money coming up with a solid braced support and a way to make a wheel from which I can experiment. It's not pretty, but is functional. Items such as a source for bearings, type and size of main shaft etc. Once a solid support and balanced wheel are made, experimentation is the next step. A 3 foot wheel on a support takes quite a bit of room but needs to be wide enough to get your hands and tools in make adjustments. Currently, there is nothing out there and it would be a plus for your website. Maybe we can submit various support and wheel designs. I am willing to submit a picture of mine if requested and also give dimensions and sources for parts. If various designs were submitted, the experimenter can pick the one he wants to work with. maybe some day we can solve Bessler's Wheel.

: : Interested?

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