Posted by Vector Viper ( on November 16, 2002 at 05:01:36:
In Reply to: I had 3 BIG "ahas!" tonight...for you OU freaks posted by Vector Viper on November 16, 2002 at 01:59:51:
: 1. Shifting weights side to side (across wheel plane)
: is very "free".
: 2. Weights do not have to ALWAYS interact with
: or touch the turning wheel itself.
: 3. Think in 3 dimensions :*)
: I have built nothing yet, but perhaps complex mechanisms
: with pendulums/levers are not needed?
I will build it within a few weeks.
It should make quite a noise :*)
It will be very small; 1-2 feet dia. around
Should do enough power for small motor turning to light a LED
or something...
Not really sure of RPM, but will regulate itself to a speed.
If I am right, it will
be scalable, work more efficently the larger it is.
The only problem? if it spins too slow (over loaded)
it stops abruptly...and needs a push to start.
It will be 1 way turning.
I want to do this just to do something supposedly "impossible"
just for fun, too! I know I am relatively new here,
but I want to thank everyone for all the pictures, ideas, etc.
I will keep you posted...cranks indeed!(from previous posts)
: Stay frosty, VV
: (Glad to add to the fray...)