Posted by Davis Landstrom ( on December 05, 2002 at 15:36:51:
I have just had an interesting thought on the nature of gravity, what if gravitation were a purely lenz force based phenomena.
Lets take a look at Hal Puthoff's theory of inertia, he suggests that both quantitativly and qualitativly interia is a lenz force which acts on any particle of matter that moves relative to the static Zero point field, in other words it is what the victorians might have called 'aetheric drag'. Now what can be deduced from this about the nature of gravitation?, according to General relativity, gravitation and inertia are the same phenomena the only difference is one of reference frame, puthoff's ideas on inertia would seem to agree with this if you make the logical asumption that static gravitational force is the product of a static (non linear accelerating) body being acted upon from all angles by a moving zero point field! Not only would this be evidence for an energetic gravitational field, but it is also evidence for a form of push gravity, La Sageian in nature!
Here is an experiment I would like anyone with access to a high voltage (30,000KV+) power supply to perform. Create an asymetric capacitor, like a lifter, place it anode DOWN and cathode UP (opposite to flight configuration)on an insulated surface and suspend a di-electric mass above the cathode observe any changes in weight, and repeat at different heights above the cathode and with different di-electrics, another thing to do would be to shield the capacitor in some way to prevent any measurements from being interfeared with by ion wind/migration. The reason for this experiment is simple, if the Biefeld-Brown electro kinetic/gravitic effect is the product of an inertial force, electricaly generated and acting on the capacitor as opposed to some kind of ion wind/migration related effect (yet to be ruled out 100%)then according to Puthoff/relativity the asymetric electric gradient produced by the capacitor is interacting with and accelerating the local Zero point field through it, imparting a greater moment of inertia to the capacitor which would account for it's weight loss and levitation. If the capacitor is inverted then the flow of zero point field should be towards the ground, this should mean that the capacitor should simulate static gravity and generate a gravitational force in it's local that should be slightly stronger than earths gravitational field, I predict that masses should increase in weight inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the anode (as the gravity well would be sandwitched between the anode and the cathode-needs experimental confirmation)
This experiment above all others should confirm wether the Biefeld-Brown effect is ion wind or inertia, I would be very grateful if someone with an appropriately powerfull generator would humour me on this one!
The consequences of an inverted asymetric capacitor acting to create artificial gravity are enormous, as you know people in space have to suffer the deteramental physiological effects of Zero G and centrifugal 'G' is a long way off, and poses practical problems, imagine if you could have gravity on a space ship/station at the flip of a switch! I am mearly speculating, any feedback on this would be greatly appreciated, thank you.