Posted by MrTim ( on January 14, 2003 at 22:44:29:
(Please be aware that all of the following is pure conjecture.)
Many have no doubt noted the discrepancies of mechanism descriptions in Bessler's 'Das Triumphirende (etc)' and Frank Edwards' story 'Bessler's Wonderful Wheel' (both of which can be found on this wonderful website.) After a careful reading of both, I believe that the inconsistency is easily explained:
A > Bessler's statements apply to the symmetrical turning wheel
B > Edwards' description applies the the one-directional wheel
Bessler's description can't be questioned, as it is a 'first hand' account.
Edwards' story, on the other hand, is full of errors and lacking in details that we now know. (Big round of applause to John Collins for his fine detective work!)
As to the 'Count's description' of the device, we are left with two possibilities:
(1) Edwards made it up. This is entirely within the realm of possibility.
(2) Edwards had access to another source of information.
In the case of (2), this brings up more questions:
> Did Karl leave more in writing than was supposed (or discovered)?
> Was Kassel under Allied occupation at the end of WW2?
> Connecting the above two questions, is it possible that some of Karl's documents were 'liberated' or 'confiscated' by intelligence officers (or others)? (Oh great. ANOTHER 'conspiracy theory'....!)
If this was indeed the case, the mechanism's description in Edwards' story is true, but due to receiving it from a second- or third-hand source and/or compounded with a bad translation, this could make it so garbled as to be useless. But not for a story... (Just grab an old source (probably Dirck's), write it quick and with some embellishment, presto! Instant story!)
Again, all conjecture (and more questions too!)
(and please-don't-take-it-all-too-seriously-!)