Posted by Davis Landstrom ( on March 09, 2002 at 18:10:12:
Hello, Ray et al, interesting post about your experiences with curved SMOT desighns. I am not aware that Greg Watson ever looked into curved SMOT ramps however I know that he constructed linear SMOT ramps with above leval roll away ability and a curved N gauge rail way track system for bringing the ball bearing back to the start of the ramps, your work in the curved ramp sounds interesting though. Watson not only claims to have a functioning closed loop SMOT but he also claims to have invented and constructed a self running RMOD, (Rotary magnetic overunity device-although the old desighn featured on the JLN labs web page doesn't work - I've built it) a self running RMOG, (Rotary magnetic overunity generator - I am dubious as it needs batteries to opperate) and a self powering PMOD (Permanent magnetic overunity device - a kind of solid state self energising battery - again it seems to require batteries to opperate) I am not saying that the RMOG and PMOG are fraudulant, it is just that they are electronic, and all these electronic overunity devices seem to require batteries to opperate, if they are truely putting out more electrical energy than they consume then it should be a simple task of plugging the out put into the input, batteries should not be needed, and of course there is the current, volt, power, energy confusion trap that electrical free energy claimants allways seem to fall into.
I believe that it was Gallaleo who dropped two iron spheres of different weight from the leaning tower, ignoring the drag coefficient of air, in accordance with the equation F=GMm/r2 the force of Gravity will act the same on both masses regaurdless of their weight, ergo - both masses will accelerate at the same rate - 9.81 ms-2 on Earth to be percise.
I am having the disks of the gravity wheel cut and hopefully they should be ready by Monday, based on further testing with my fixed mass model, I have come up with an even better possition for the rolling weights, once I have the two disks cut with the weight roll channels cut also, all I have to do is to mount them on bearings and build 4 points where the ratchet can inhibit back rotation for weight repossitioning. I'll keep you posted.