Posted by Scott Ellis ( on June 04, 2003 at 15:54:59:
First, thanks to everyone who uses the discussion board. It has been quite a lively place lately! And thanks for putting up with this low tech dinosaur of a discussion board... the Bessler community deserves better! Rest assured I am evaluating my options and promise to do a real upgrade one day.
In the meantime, as I'm sure you've noticed, the main index page for this board is out control. It is approaching 400 KB in size, which is WAY to big and takes way too long to download on a standard connection.
Therefore, since something must be done, but I'm not ready to do the real upgrade yet, I am going to archive this board and start a new one. That means you will no longer be able to post messages in any of these threads. I will set a personal (but flexible) deadline for myself to get this done by the end of next weekend (Sunday, June 7th).