Posted by E-Book ( on June 07, 2003 at 12:32:49:
In Reply to: Re: question(s) for John collins posted by John Collins on June 06, 2003 at 23:47:40:
Here is a link to a good ebook site:
I have downloaded several self extracting E-books before and found the experience and prices quite reasonable. I can imagine that you could sell quite a few downloadable E-books to be read on the receiver's computer from well designed and placed banner ads. Paypal is a great way to collect payment, as well. just a thought.
: Hi,
: Yes I have considered an Ebook and am still open to the suggestion, but at this time I'm not convinced that many people actually use them to read books - I don't think they are convenient enough yet.
: But thank you for the suggestion.
: JC
: : Mr. Collins,
: : Have you thought of doing an ebook marketed by banner on appropriate web sites including ebay? This genre being as eclectic and small as it is, I would think that a successful marketing campaign of your material would benefit from provocative banner ads with cutting edge animation to pique the interests of the borderlanders not yet bold enough to enter our frontier domain! (what would really help sales would be to include them with working gravity wheel kits!!!) One quick question, have you ever seen the inside of an old clock? look at the springs and their uses. When old Johann remarked about springs not used in the usual way, I am firmly convinced he was referring to springs being bent with sideways pressure from gravity rather than the usual compression/decompression scheme. Also, as an avid archer, I know somewhat of the dynamics of stored energy release in a resilient structure such as the carbon limb of a bow.....or bent spring.....I also know of the potential in storing gravity's energy in such a structure while relying on small, free swinging catches, to prevent the bent spring arm (bamboo,carbon,spring steel) from releasing the stored energy until the right moment.
: : The static versus dynamic hysteresis in such structures travelling in rotary motion with a constant energy supplier, ie. gravity, can readily be shown to produce surprising surpluses. I agree with your assessment that it is imperative to build physical models as opposed to trusting software. I seem to remember someone else on another thread whose "calculations" stated that the spring wheel on would have it's lead weights pinned to the rim by centrifugal force at only 19rpms. Such are the expected and forgivable errors when one knows not what to do with knowledge. I have heard many definitions of the word "wisdom" in my definition would go something like this:
: : wisdom is simply this: Knowing what to do with knowledge....and then actually doing it, for in not giving fruit by labor to wisdom, how then can it be shown others to exist?
: : or perhaps a more direct definition: Wisdom: The correct execution of knowledge by action.
: : : Hi Joel,
: : : No-one's picked up the publication rights yet, unfortunately. As for it being in local book stores that may happen later, certainly it was available in the first edition, before in some places.
: : : The new book is (yet again) having some new information added to it thanks to some amazing detective work by an researcher in Germany who was looking for something completely different and stumbled on this. It won't effect anything to do with the wheel, but it does add some even more colourful material to the long-hoped for film I dream of one day getting made, about Johann Bessler.
: : : Thanks for the comments on the web site - I want and value feedback to make it better. As I've said before, I've never really designed my own web site in total before and its a bit of a steep learning curve, but I'm getting some excellent help from some of you.
: : : As for the physics page - it's already under re-construction again and will appear in a number of different formats and with new content, almost on a weekly basis. Same goes for some of the other pages. I think I will indi