Posted by SK ( on June 11, 2003 at 06:53:48:
In Reply to: Re: My wheel is finishing. posted by Scott Ellis on June 10, 2003 at 23:16:26:
Hi Scott
I am very happy to applied my patent today.
I am so sure of my design.
But the construction is not easy.
I deide to open because anyone can succeed faster than me.
But by applying patent of my design, it is approved to be my idea, by the law.
I already discuss with patent office guy about the opening idea after applying patent.
He said it does not affect to register to patent.
Because the timing issue.
If I open before applying, it will affect to register, but after is no problem.
It is 21:45 Korean time.
From today I will prepare the document to be opened to all of you. It was very hard job to decide the design concept.
3 months experiment from 06:00 to 22:00 give me my hands pain.
Please wait a few days for prepairing the document.
regards SK
: Hi SK,
: Thank you for your posts. I am glad to hear your experiments are going well. Best of luck to you!
: I would be happy to post anything you send me. Please just email me at srellis|| GIF and JPEG images are best, but I can probably help if that's a problem.
: If you are unable to produce digital graphics, you can also send me material via snail mail and I will scan and post it for you. If you want to go this route, just let me know.
: Best,
: Scott
: : Hi all
: : Yesterday I finally finish to adjust springs.
: : It took about 5 hours.
: : But I could not rotate a single rotation.
: : But I am sure my spring adjustment is almost perfect in my 80 cm diameter wheel.
: : The last one to be checked is the wheel inside design.
: : I think the number of parts is variable.
: : But the design could be more complicated.
: : I am using the simplest one now.
: : But the simplest one is not so simple.
: : Today I decide to apply patent of my now building design.
: : I did not finish yet, but will not take too long to finish.
: : I will say about the speed(RPM).
: : I think it is not related to size.
: : Do you know the frequency of elastic material?
: : As I know the frequency is related to "k" and "m" k is coefficient of elastic material, and "m" is mass.
: : This wheel is moving by the weights and springs, so the RPM is also related to that variables.
: : I have already promissed to here everyone to open my design.
: : Who is the contact person to discuss about OPENING.
: : Because I have many things to explain by my bad english.
: : Please help me how to open my design here.
: : SK