Posted by Saurord Mordorr ( on June 25, 2003 at 13:51:24:
In Reply to: Re: We want to make it! posted by Vector Viper on June 22, 2003 at 13:52:33:
Thank you for your nice comment Mr. Viper.
So, we are the wheel makers nr. 6 as we see. :))
And who will be lucky number 7?
We think the more people are sitting and working on re-inventing PM machine the better for all of us. If one of us succeed - this will change our world for better - we really believe so. No one proved Orffyreus machine was fake - it is only a matter of time when someone will make it again.
Scientists say "it" cannot work but we remember that exactly 100 years ago many scientists had also believed that heavier than air machines could not fly and therefore first airplane had to be constructed and built by two bicycle repair men - not scientists!
Let us leave scientists and their paradigmats in peace. We shall win one day. Everybody will see...
Best regards from wheel makers nr. 6! ;-))
Saurord & Mordorr, Brotherhood of Turning Wheel
: Welcome to the fold, welcome to the insanity :*)
: I am making a wheel too,(a decidedly non-bessler design)
: There are at least other 5 wheel makers here,
: at least that have stated as much,
: (who knows how many wheels there are!)
: There are many other lurkers here, although I have no
: idea how many different people visit this board. (anyone?)
: I need to think of a good name for myself! ummm....
: nah...
: You become a professional by being non-professional first!
: Viper