Posted by ovyyus ( on July 03, 2003 at 23:12:38:
In Reply to: Elias Factor posted by Facilit8r on July 03, 2003 at 22:53:53:
Hi Facilit8r (or is it Specul8r),
Is that our old friend "Voice in the Wilderness" crying out for some attention again?
What happened to your last ill-fated wheel attempt? So many simple questions, yet not a sensible response from your holy self. God truely does work in mysterious ways.
Regards, ovyyus
: The 4lb weights that were shown to others by old Johann were actually the smaller ones used to leverage the larger (apprx. 16lb) weights into their productive positions. That Bessler was able to do so within the confines of such a relatively thin annular apparatus was the trick, for to do so the simpler way would certainly have taken up much more space and revealed much! It is necessary to note that weights leveraging one another about a pivot as part of a wheel, will exhibit complex forces, not limited to the fact that much of their combined weight will be asserted at the pivot WHILE THEY ARE IN MOTION. When they have stopped moving, their leveraging force upon the wheel will be asserted at their locations at rest. Old Johann recognized the importance of making sure that the leverage moment of the smaller weights upon the larger ones was of sufficient speed and efficiency to offset the lost energy during these critical moments. Surely, some of you will recognize the ease with which one may use levers protruding from the wheel at right angles to it from near the hub to leverage the larger weights in the wheel at the twelve and six o'clock may easily work out a method to prevent the weights from sliding back down before their work is done, as well. To the few of you who can see this idea clearly in your mind's eye......realize that it is something beyond you or I or bessler and let it do the work for which it is a lever to pry open the mind's eye of your neighbors to the fact that man can only dominate man to his injury and that many of his laws are corrupted in the sight of the Great designer of the cosmos. At least one of you already knows in his heart the value of these words and may overcome himself and apply it....."He that would save his life shall lose it, he that would give up his life for My sake, shall preserve it alive". Your creator and mine promised that in the very days in which we live would be shortened lest HIS son arrive to find no flesh alive upon the earth. Perhaps the device shown to old Johann served it's purpose just so afterall. As a catalyst to do it's part in speeding up the timetable of our already frenetically paced world. There are surely more than a few otherwise acceptable souls in the science halls and laboratories in the world, whose time spent worshipping at the feet of their false idols, their professors, could be infinitely more productive worshipping the ONE whose laws and love are absolute.
: "There is nothing so unstoppable in all the world as an idea whose time has come"