Posted by Michael ( on July 07, 2003 at 09:10:45:
In Reply to: Re: Go Figure ! posted by ovyyus on July 06, 2003 at 15:44:51:
Ahh yeah...Rick T.
Well, I wish I didn't have to keep apologizing for that. I realize I had offended some peoples sensibilities, but my reason for that (in case I hadn't made it clear) was because I smelled a rat (excuse me-con artist salesman) in Vlad, and set out to expose him, and let him know I SAW him. It (to me) was pretty obvious. And where is he now...? He basically admitted what he was after-shortly after. And Norman Bates here Bill. I have never posted any misleading information on here that was of an impersonal nature. That's not me. When this is all set and done, there are a lot of people you can check with that would be character references. I hope your personally okay with all this and will still honour your agreement when I send you something. I wouldn't have offered unless I thought you were honourable. Your reaction to "David" showed me that much.
: Don't forget about Rick T. What a little gem he was - a brief yet spectacularly pointless life cut short in his prime.
: Every discussion forum has it's colouful (and sometimes multi-personal) character/s. Tag, you're it. My only hope is there's not a Norman Bates in there somewhere :)
: When all else fails, I've found that a sense of humour floats just about anything.
: To the quest!
: Regards, ovyyus
: : Hi Fletcher,
: : 1st of all no one here uses their real name, at least very few people do.
: : #2 Michael is my real name. I decided to can my own paranioa when I decided to post my claim.
: : #3 I already admitted I was Jason.
: : #4 I am not misleading anyone, and never have. If you doubt this I suggest you send an email to Eric Kreig on the free energy web site and ask him about me. He's known of me for quite a while, and in fact has signed a non disclosure agreement about three years ago, and I sent him some material via real mail on a machine I was building and thought would work. I still think it will work, that paticular machine, I just bult a major section wrong, so put it on the back burner. You can also inquire with James Randi to see if in fact I did ask him about his prize and challenge- around three years ago. Or you can check with Darren or anyone else on the free energy board. I fully admit I may have seemed sceptical about some things, but ask around and you'll find I've always been pro free energy. Now...I really wanted to avoid this but yes I have posted as David. But so there are no misunderstandings, when I first came on under that name (using a fake name in the first place because when you post a message it asks for your email, I thought this section had to be filled in, and I am all to use to getting wacked messages from wacked individuals,)I was mearly checking things out, and I saw a lot of ignorance when it came to understanding physics. One pet peeve I have is the spreading of ignorant ideas/and or concepts. Also, I myself have been down that road where I have had ignorant ideas, only to be quickly set upon by sceptics. It's not nice, and what can be really frustrating is when someone has a good idea, but doesn't have the same language as say someone educated in physics, who would rather jump down on you on a misuse of a word instead of looking into the theme of the idea first. This actually really pisses me off, but I learned from this regardless, and taught myself the language completely so I could deal with these people. So...although it still really irritates me, especially now when I see it being done to someone else, I'm glad I learned from it. What Im getting to is when I first came on, and was somewhat abrasive, it wasn't to be mean, but I was trying to get some people to think better. This is the absolute truth. If you doubt this you can also check into the messages at the free energy board and you'll see that I usually stick up for people who are being slammmed by the sceptics on there. There was some recent activity concerning this, but also where I was forced to admit I was wrong regarding a technical term. Also up to three-four months ago I never believed Bessler's/or