Posted by Pete ( on August 31, 2003 at 02:38:05:
In Reply to: God and Bessler posted by Nick Hall on August 30, 2003 at 02:54:22:
What's your view on Newton+God?
: Bill wrote of Bessler's discovery:
: : IMO, it's insulting to attribute Bessler's solution purely to an act of god - he obviously worked bloody hard for it!
: Well said!
: I don't think Bessler ever claimed that God directly revealed the secret to him - but that God 'granted him good fortune' after all his hard labours.
: Bessler was a Lutheran - a protestant - which theological system places great emphasis on `divine providence`. Despite the paradoxes involved in the associated 'free will / determinism' discussion, it is almost certain that Bessler believed in BOTH the need for extreme hard work AND the 'over-ruling' hand of God in those endeavours.
: I'm not sure I am "righteously inclined" (!!) but as a Christian minister I am always pained whenever someone resorts to "God told me" arguments and always glad for the reality check which inevitably follows - as here in Bill's comments.
: Thanks,
: Nick