Posted by DN ( on September 08, 2003 at 15:53:59:
In Reply to: Re: Changing the name posted by Lurker on September 08, 2003 at 15:49:38:
My point found relevance after all! Congratulations! As for the "larger picture" may it's relevance be all yours.
: : That, again, is quite alright. Those of sufficient intelligence should be able to determine for themselves what is and isn't "suspect".
: You are quite fond of speaking in riddles. You no doubt do this to hide both the extent of your knowlege and the extent of your ignorance. I am not unaware of such tricks. It has been my experience that intelligent people will often miss the larger picture simply because they lack the proper knowlege or point of view, not because they lack intelligence.
: : As for the "irrelevance" of my point, I am not surprised by your statement, as I "suspect" a fair number of points that can be made, should remains so.
: That remains to be seen. Your assumptions and perceptions are not necessarily correct.
: Lurker.