Re: Grim

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Posted by grim ( on September 10, 2003 at 03:43:30:

In Reply to: Re: Grim posted by Georg Künstler on September 10, 2003 at 01:38:31:

: Hi Mike,
: what I like to add to Grims quotation are Schaubergers words:
: 'ihr bewegt falsch', and this words are elementary.
: Look on some pages of Prof.Evert
: He has described the movements for the repulsine and other devices.

: Best regards

: Georg

Hi Georg

Sorry, but I'm not being 'mistaken', 'lying', 'bogus' or 'false'.If one looks at ALL of Bessler's drawings, he illusrates what has to happen.
He ADMITS in the "New Text Translation" what he has used and modified. In afterthought, after construction, his mill work and "grindstone" references end up describing the
product to a "T". And when one BUILDS what it takes to make what's in his illustrations happen, the mech turns out like nothing ever seen before. It's not in any physics book,
or in the "Machinist's Handbook", but it is stupidly simple.
It's physical properties are being documented, just what it as a single mech CAN do, because some of its properties are absolutely bizarre.

The two here have not been "placed together" yet, becuse simply I work for a living, and have not had the free moment.


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