Re: Lurker

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Posted by ovyyus ( on September 11, 2003 at 19:26:15:

In Reply to: Re: Lurker posted by Lurker on September 11, 2003 at 17:45:26:

Hi Lurker & Michael,

For what it's worth... I've been researching free-energy, PM, overunity, etc. for over 20 years - met with and exchanged information with many 'players' in the field (some very well known) and have been associated with some of them and/or their companies in various research capacities. I certainly like to think I've dug about as deep as you can go.

Yet I, like many others, am still searching for just one single example of a device that actually demonstrates it's inventor's claims. There are many claims of various successes that date way back to Bessler and beyond, however, none of these claims appear capable of being demonstrated as anything more than, well, claims.

IMO, we have a real creative knack for story telling. Combine this with an overwhelming (almost religeous) zeal to do something that is perceived as important and memorable - like solving the Worlds energy problems! - and it's no surprise the result will be a vast collection of speculation, rumour, design proposals and claims. All good stuff, however...

I know of many, many claims put forward by various researchers who have subsequently discovered an error in their design or theory. But they rarely retract their claims with corrections or additional information to this effect. If you need proof of that, you only need to go as far as this very discussion board. Typically, a claim is advertised loudly to the World but negative outcomes usually result in the inventor withdrawing in silence, assuming a different name, or generally going 'underground'. Sound familiar? What happens then is that all the paranoid folk create a whole bunch of new stories about suppression, etc. Cause and effect.

IMO, the ultimate respect goes to a researcher who can admit they were in error and will then go on to complete full information delivery. Where is the shame in admitting error? That's how we learn and grow wise and avoid making the same mistakes again and again and again.

Regards, ovyyus.

: : Of course you did troll. are so obvious,and I tire of
: : your Mcdonalds Philosophy, Give it to me now, give it to me fast,
: : and give it to me cheap.

: This sounds like a troll to me, Michael.

: Do you want one of my "secrets"? Here's one: Bessler was only one of many people to discover PM. There are MANY others. You just have to look for them, and pick them from all of the many scams.

: Like I have said before, I am "fortunate" to have known one such person myself. I must say that my life would be far more pleasant if this were NOT true. You would do well to keep this in mind.

: I don't know much about the MIB's, but I do know they exist. They MAY just be a form of organized crime which has a bit more knowlege about PM then the average Joe, and seeks to use it for their own benefit. Like I said, I don't know much about them. It doesn't matter if you believe this. At least you are aware of the possibility.

: Lurker.

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