Posted by Thank You ( on September 12, 2003 at 12:02:59:
In Reply to: No mystery - just blood sweat and tears posted by John Collins on September 12, 2003 at 11:02:04:
John, Thank you for your comments, I venture to guess that if there was a living authority on the preponderence of evidence to support our conclusion that it has been and can be done, you would get a lion's share of the vote! I notice in your comments that you did leave out GOD as a potential force for keeping the secret hidden, that shows either respect or oversight, I am not sure which. I agree with you and I too am willing to be forgiven for positing that this must be the season and if not now, when? As for curses, there are many plaguing this globe and my point was not that a literal chinese curse is subjugating us all. Merely that we do live in "interesting times" as alluded to by my other statement about time and season. If and when you are shown the simple and sacred secret, I wonder if you will still hold to your statement, "no mystery-just blood sweat and tears", or if you will, like Bessler, give credit where credit is due. I suspect that you may be a Christian, or at least a deist, by inference. If you are a Christian then why be selective about where and when you will let your cup runneth over? The spirit does what it will only if you share His will.
"Show me a man who keeps his faith and science separate, and I will show you the road to hell that is paved with good intentions. Show me a man whose science IS his faith, and I will show you the expresslane to that same destination".
The true GOD is a GOD exacting exclusive devotion and cheated is the man that would bargain terms as to how he would worship HIM.
Solomon, one of the world's wisest men, was an example that man only dominates man to his injury. He couldn't handle the rich rewards given to him and he corrupted himself. Bessler was wise in his way. I have read a good bit of your material, John. You have wisdom too. May you see a reward for sharing it.
: I respect the views expressed by all on this forum but it seems to me that there is a subtle movement which seeks to mystify what Bessler did. To me there is not MIB and no conspiracies nor are there any powerful principles keeping the solution hidden from public consciousness by man's will. There may be a time and season and if this is not it then I could be forgiven for supposing that it will never be, but I don’t suppose that. Neither do I believe in an ancient chinese curse preventing us from solving this problem and I’m sure that who ever discovers the answer to Bessler’s wheel will be as worthy as the next man, what ever that may mean.
: The truth is that there are as many mechanical variations available to us as the wit of man is able to invent them. I’ve been picking at this problem for some forty years if you count my first day-dreamings about it, and I know that every time my “solution” fails I can come up with an alterntive that seems far more likely to succeed. I don’t know how many “solutions” I have come up with but I tried to work it out the other day and it lies somewhere between 200 and 1000. Why such a large range? Because - when does a “solution” become an alternative one? Simply moving the anchor points does not really count as an alternative solution, but it can have a dramatic impact on what happens. Reversing the order that you make things happen is not really an alternative “solution” but it can make a difference.
: So keep at it, we have not yet found the correct mechanical arrangment but someone will and soon I think. No mystery , just dogged determination and endless patience with a touch of experience and several subtle clues from Bessler. He did it first without knowing for sure that it could be done. We at least have the advantage that we know it can be done.
: John Collins