Re: Question for John Collins

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Posted by Scott Ellis ( on September 18, 2003 at 17:20:04:

In Reply to: Re: Question for John Collins posted by Jonathan on September 17, 2003 at 23:57:22:

Hi Jonathan,
As for your question about parallel beams, let me point you to a discussion board message where I posted Desaguliers famous experiment with one (ostensibly disproving the possibility of PM):

As for David Cowlishaw's Bessler Wheel solution: No. As far as I know, no one has ever actually tried to build one. As far as I can tell it would take some some incredibly sophisticated and exact machining to do so. Way out of my league! And I doubt that Bessler could have built such a thing in 1712 (at least not the exact embodiment envisioned by Cowlishaw.) But who knows how else the GIT principle might be harnessed? Good luck!


: What are these parallel beams? And no one is replying to my last post, so I'll ask again, is anyone working on a Cowlishaw wheel type device these days?

: : Yes John, Bessler did design a submarine and subsequently designed an improved version, but they could not move around under water. The idea was that a water-proof chamber was built which could house a number of people which could sit on the sea bed or river bed. It was raised and lowered by mean of ropes I think. The occupants were at liberty to sit and enjoy music or stroll around at their leisure. I think that Bessler was trying to find ways of making use of his wheel, and thought that it could be used to pump in fresh air to replace stale air. There is no record so far of actual experiments or working models.

: : He designed a number of other things such as a morroco leather factory and also a marble slab processing unit.

: : Parallel beams fascinate me too and the number of ways they can be adapted to various uses within the design of gravity wheel is surprising.

: : John Collins

: :
: : : If I recall correctly Johann said something about a submarine design? Any hint as to how he was going to propel it? Which makes one think that probably not a gravity device but perhaps something else? If he Did figure out a strictly centrifugal self-rotational device (more power, smaller wheel), he may have decided not to mention it-"The Heck with them!". I am just speculating here. His fascination with the unique characteristics of parallel beam derivatives makes me wonder. John, what do you think?.......John

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