Re: Simanek/Grim

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Posted by Michael ( on September 22, 2003 at 17:56:37:

In Reply to: Re: Simanek posted by grim on September 22, 2003 at 15:20:56:

Grim, did you even note the word "respectively", I posted in my comment? How about the same? I'd be careful, your leaning very heavily toward the paranioa again. I never EVER said you were a liar, and was certainly not pushing that idea. My point, I figured, was obvious. And your approach of posting an idea every now and then, and other peoples approaches (mine included) is irrelevent. If you took a look you'll see I have sent in ideas, but again IRRELEVENT.
So...let me spell it out for you. My point is;

1. If your machine worked EXACTLY as you THINK (important word there) you've done what so far no one else has ever (prooven wise) has done, and have in fact created free energy, regardeless of whether it blew apart or not. Scott echoed these exact words when you first posted up a pic. That would most definately get you some fame, and fortune. And please don't go posting the irrelevent comment that you are not doing this for the money. Everyone needs money to live, better to insure you can live using your smarts than not.

2. If it worked as you THINK, regareless of whether you and smithy played around with it or not,it definately deserves attention, and perfection, even if you can't see it right now or not. I am an honourable person GRIM, and care not to fool around with something that is your creation. If you were asking for ideas regaring it however, I would post if I saw something, which in fact I did.

3. The main question is...does it work exactly as you think? There's no question it was self staring, and was so chaotic that it blew up. But...even though it ran for six or so cycles, was it in fact running down slightly...or speeding up? This is a question that was adressed to you by others, and you never answered it. Personally I don't think you can tell, that's why you never gave a proper answer, and so a proper analysis wasn't done. If it speeded up then HEY BINGO! and who cares if it blew, for the moment. One thing you can do (if it indeed does speed up) is make it from lighter and stronger parts. Forget lead, forget brass. Try mild steel or aluminum. Balance it correctly so it does work.
HA,hmmm when it comes to REAL info grim, something that can be used, I posted quite a lot. That's about all I want to say to you for now.

: Mike, the thing was built and verified in Australia by Brett Smith.
: It did self-start, it did turn until it broke apart, repeatedly.
: If there was a way to prevent its suicides, we didn't find it, and it
: did not conform to eyewitness accounts of smooth rolloffs and runs, so
: basically we got tired of playing with it and went on about the business of
: conforming to what was described.

: You know, it's kind of funny. Brett and I were playing with that thing last Christmas 2002.
: In all that time, I've only seen Georg Kunstler, John Lindsay, and a few others, EVER post any
: designs or real info on this board. Here we have authors, researchers, dabblers, etc with
: probably more than 300 years total experience with different designs, yet it seems only
: a few of us are willing to turn anything loose for anyone else to see.

: If you doubt it, why don't you scroll down to the drawing and directions, and put it together yourself?
: That's what we posted it for! I'm not a liar, neither is Smithy, so no fear here! In fact, if "Techstuff"
: flipped that wheel photo of his over and picked his weights up off the bottom instead of hanging them down at the
: top, he'd have basically the same thing and HIS would self-start, no pushing.

: grim

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