Posted by Rainer ( on October 17, 2003 at 13:07:15:
In Reply to: Re: square wheel recreated; whatchya doin'? posted by Jonathan on October 17, 2003 at 07:56:41:
Yep, arrived well, Jonathan. Sorry, new job keeps me busy at the moment. Concept is as I expected, was just curious if it looks like the way I thought it would. You are right, the basic concept will have problems if the weight on the axle is high, but also as you say, I think this is just a mechanical problem of how to spread the load. Thanks again for the 'insight'. Even if it is not directly related to Bessler ... any unusual mechanical concept might bear a hint to the solution... just my opinion, thats why I think we should stay open minded. Even if it looks completely 'of the track'. At the end, thats what we are lucking for .. some unusual concept ... maybe well known, but just ignored because it looks too stupid .. right?
Thanks again for sharing, Jonathan
: I've already shared it with Rainer (tinhead), though I've gotten no reply from him. I still do not see the use of a square wheel over a circular one, and I do not think mine is quite right, because it will not bear a load the whole time. But that could just be a problem of engineering and not the concept, I can't tell though because all I have is a crappy model made of corregated cardboard. I have a *.jpg or something like that if anyone's interested in my version (as I doubt I have the same one as Tomas).
: Why has no one responded to the second part of this thread? Was not Bessler's downfall his secrecy?
: : Jonathan
: : Your invention of a squre wheel is a good sound for me. Yours square wheel is third which was come into the World. See for yourself on the Web.
: : I hope you are able to keep the certain principle as know-how till square wheels races will go to places.