Re: Conjecture

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Posted by ovyyus ( on October 22, 2003 at 23:11:39:

In Reply to: Re: Conjecture posted by MrTim on October 22, 2003 at 21:31:29:

Hi MrTim,

Yes, it doesn't hurt to examine all possibilities just like it doesn't hurt to argue against perceived improbables.

Why would Bessler risk a future buyer accusing him of deception and demanding their money back?

If this deceptive start-up was such an impressive requirement, why did he not continue with it? I'm sure he could have figured out how to apply a similar deception to his dual-direction wheels.

Yes, the Draschwitz wheel was reported as being imobilised with a cord tied to it's rim. But his earlier wheels apparently utilised an applied axle bolt that could be screwed in or out to adjust the speed. How could your proposal be made to work with the axle bolt system?

Bessler claimed he allowed people to stop, start, push, hold, etc, his wheels as they liked. Why would he allow this if he employed your proposed deceptive start-up process?

I'm sorry if I don't agree with you on this MrTim but it just doesn't seem likely, at best.

Of course, this is all my own opinion - I'm certainly not the messiah of universal truth, you understand. That position Will obviously be occupied for some time by someone else's MeageR efforts :)

Regards, ovyyus

: : Hi MrTim,
: > Hi Mr Ovvyus,
: : IMO, there would be no benefit in setting up his wheel to self-start in this way.
: > And why not? It would make it much more impressive that way. ("Look! Yon wheel doth started turning by itself!") As the heading to the topic is 'conjecture', does it not hurt to consider every possibility?
: : Also, his earlier wheels were regulated by adjusting a 'bolt' against the axle. It would be very difficult to pre-determine the static position of the wheel as it came to rest after tightening the bolt.
: > As I recall (though I do not have a copy of John's book handy for quoting purposes), the wheel was secured by a rope to keep it from turning when not in use. I would assume that if a peg was set into the rim of the wheel to loop the rope around (and the rope was anchored to the base or floor), that it would be pretty much 'locked' in the same position every time? Simple matter then to have a weight opposite (and higher) to give the wheel some starting momentum.....?

: : Regards, ovyyus
: > Regards, MrTim

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