Posted by John Collins ( on October 25, 2003 at 10:16:10:
In Reply to: Noise posted by Question for John Collins on October 25, 2003 at 07:38:37:
Hi Grim,
I recognise your quote as coming from Frank Edwards' book, so I treat it with due to scepticism, but it's true that guards were posted though there is no record as far as I know which states that noises were heard from outside the room. Bearing in mind the frequent reports of loud noises coming from the machine during its operation, it would be surprising if no sound was heard from outside the room, but we cannot assume that as fact - yet.
John C.
: Hi John
: It's been reported that JB's disposition was so bad that guards posted by the locked door of the wheel test room considered duty there a punishment.
: Is there any report by them or anyone else of the noise of the wheel being heard outside the door?
: Thanks
: grim